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After 2 years of living here and a few months of having thought about leaving BA, mainly due to the recent day to day hassles, out of control inflation, high prices (paying first class prices for third class level services/products), dollar control and land lady wanting me to pay rent at the black market exchange rate, political corruption, and other things, being the tough cookie I am, I apparently needed something life-altering to be the big decision maker to cause me to leave BA:

Sunday night, 2 men armed with guns entered my supposedly secure, luxury high-rise apartment building in Palermo on Cabrera, and entered my loft. One of them held a gun to my head and sat me down while the other cased my place and selected as if he were at Falabella the stuff he wanted and did not want. In all, they robbed my Mac Book Pro, Ipad, Iphone, Ipod and Bose Speakers, about 15.000 AR pesos, and some designer clothes.

I consider myself lucky to be alive, albeit I am extremely pissed not to mention extremely upset as I dont know when/how I will be able to replace all the stuff that was stolen as my economic situation is nowhere near as healthy as it was when I actually bought the stuff. To add insult to injury, my landlady asked me not to file a police report, as she said they wouldnt do anything about it and that if the building admin finds out, they might make her replace the main entrance lock and get rid of the security guy.

I literally packed up my stuff and have headed for Santiago, where I have a friend living, and as the title of the post says, I am officially done with BA. It's not the same BA I fell in love with many years ago. It has changed significantly and for the worst. Like I said, I consider myself lucky to be alive but it still hurts like a b-- to have lost all of that stuff and to know that some chorro has it. Whats worst is that since all my Apple stuff was stolen, i have no back up anything anymore and will have to start from scratch on just about everything as I had everything synched between laptop, ipad, phone, etc, all my pictures, files, etc.

Anyway, I just wanted to share my story..... I will post info about Santiago for those who are interested.
You tell the landlady you had a gun on your head & got robbed of all those things in an appartment for which you pay a security guy to do his job and she worries about replacing a lock and not filing a police report?!

The guys needed to enter & exit the building --> entrega ?!

Had you told the landlady you were thinking about leaving?
Sorry to hear that. I've had an armed robbery too and it took me a year and a half to get over it. Best of luck with everything. The police came to my place but did sweet FA. They didn't even bother to file the report as far as I know.
Thanks guys, the guys apparently got in because they came in with a group of people who do live in the building, once in, they knocked on my door, and yes, stupid as it sounds now, thinking that my building was safe and secure and that maybe it was a neighbor or something, i opened the door. i thought about it being an inside job but the landlady just rents the place, she has never come over and has seen my face maybe all of two times, she didnt know i was thinking of leaving, and i honestly think she is just being a cheapskate in not wanting to have to pay to change the master lock and theres nothing more behind that angle. i am however thinking it may be related to someone whom i know thats been over to my place that orchestrated it. who, i dont know....
I am sorry. That would have a devastating effect on me. Could you tell us how they might have entered? Who had keys? Only my maid has keys and when she is not present I have another lock for which she does not have a key. I also have an alarm system. I never give keys to porters or workmen. It's quite true that the city has become very unsafe. Despite what some expats say, it is not just as bad in New York and other cities. We have to compare comparable neighborhoods, not Palermo / Recoleta / Barrio Norte with the south Bronx, for example.
I have lived in ¨dangerous¨ cities before and in 30 years, i havent had as much petty theft, scams, and now armed robbery, as in 2 years in BA.
While this could (and does) happen in the USA and Europe (just to name two of many other places), if this crime was committed in the USA or Europe the police would at least be interested as well as make an attempt to catch the perps.

Not so much in the most European country of all of South America.
I suggest yo do the denuncia at the federal criminal chamber at Comodoro Py, there you bypass the police men who don t want to work.

It sounds like an inside job done by the landlady. Normal.

Yeah, I would do the denuncia (even though it won't do any good) just so you can spite the landlady, who sounds like a real bitch.
I'm really sorry that this happened to you. How horrible of an experience it must have been. DEFINITELY I'd agree with the others that you should officially report this. You may think it's not doing any good but at least report it.

I agree with the others, it's getting worse in Buenos Aires with all the hassles, red tape, currency controls, inflation and now crime. The two reasons listed on the only good reasons to stay I totally agree with.

It just doesn't make sense anymore from many perspectives if you have the chance to move abroad. Several years ago, you could argue the quality of life in Buenos Aires was excellent and the red tape and hassles were worth it because it was so affordable. Now, it's not affordable and there is even MORE red tape and hassles.
Also, I forgot to ask.....does this building have a 24/7 security guard? Where was he when they left the building? Didn't he see these guys? Also, if the building is high end luxury modern building in Palermo as you say.... does the building have security cameras in the building, entrance or elevator? Many do so you should definitely report the incident.

And if the security guard was negligent in letting these thugs in, the building may be liable as well and might be responsible in helping to pay for these things or have insurance for it. (Yeah, a longshot but I'd still check about this).

I can't see why if there was 24 hour security something like this happened. Definitely report it and find out about these things....