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Politics Omnibus law, new reforms, the end of the stocks and the future of the economy: the full video of Milei's private talk with businessmen - Infobae


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Omnibus law, new reforms, the end of the stocks and the future of the economy: the full video of Milei's private talk with businessmen - Infobae



February 07, 2024

The President participated in a meeting organized by Fuente Latina in Israel. There he attacked the deputies who wanted to modify the Bases project and anticipated how his management will continue.

The complete talk that Milei gave to businessmen in Israel
President Javier Milei spoke for the first time in public about stopping the omnibus law in Congress during a talk with businessmen in Israel. About twenty businessmen from very important local companies listened to his defense against the legislators who wanted to modify the articles of the project promoted by the government. He described them as “criminals” and “saboteurs.”
But it wasn't the only thing he talked about. The head of state gave a detailed overview of his government plans, anticipated that he aspires to reach zero deficit in March and predicted a decrease in inflation. He also stated that there is a good chance that the dollar will be lifted in the middle of the year if the country manages to continue with the Central Bank's “sanitation” process.

The head of state anticipated that Federico Sturzenegger is working on new decrees to modernize the State that will be known in the coming weeks and suggested that he will wait for the formation of a new congress in 2025 to continue promoting reforms that require the endorsement of the Legislative Branch.

In this note, the full video of the talk given by Milei.

Milei spoke to businessmen in Israel

- “It is a very interesting day to talk about Argentina because yesterday in the session of the Chamber of Deputies the political caste, as we call that group of criminals who want a worse Argentina because they are not willing to give up their privileges, began to dismember our law.”

- “The reason why the project was sabotaged yesterday is because the discretionary allocations to the provinces fell by 98%, which explains the betrayal of the governors, who tell you that they want change as long as theirs is not touched ”.

- “Those who vote against these reforms fill their mouths talking about the poor and helping the poor, that's why I say that the left-wing progressives talk so much about the poor that all they do is multiply them, it's like the King Midas, but the other way around, King Midas turned everything he touched into gold, everything a left-handed person touches turns into poverty.”

- “We strongly believe in trade as a mechanism of social cooperation, which not only benefits humanity due to the productivity gains it implies, but also where trade enters, bullets do not enter. “Trade is a mechanism that promotes peace between people, even when they do not love each other.”

- “Moving the embassy to Jerusalem is a decision made, then there is the instrumental issue and we know that there are restrictions, and we are going to fight against those restrictions and it will happen.”

- “What we have presented in these 50 days is only 25% of what we have put together, which means we have more! Not only are there 3,000 structural reforms left, but the transitional unit for the deregulation of the economy is advancing with the decrees, so we will soon carry out a strong cleanup of all the decrees that hinder the functioning of the economy.”

- “Both the DNU and the Law are instruments that promote returning freedom to individuals, they enhance market structures, they are pro-market reforms, not pro-firm, and at the same time they eliminate many shady, dark businesses in politics, and that “It corners the corrupt fraudsters who have sunk Argentina.”

- “It is not in vain that we are publishing the names of those deputies who voted for and against and who are the ones who betrayed their voters by saying that they were in favor of change and in reality they are well-mannered Kirchnerists, wolves in sheep's clothing. We are publishing the photos of these traitors so that people are clear about who are the ones who are lying directly to the Argentines. “This way it becomes clear who is in favor of making Argentina something great and who wants to leave it prebendary.”

- "Progressives fill their mouths talking about the poor, by talking so much about them they only multiply the poor, it's like King Midas but the other way around, everything a left-handed person touches turns into poverty."

- “I see with optimism what happened last night, all those things that we foretold and announced during the campaign came true, I said in a speech that I was not going to lead lambs but rather awaken lions, yesterday some lions woke up and saw what passed".

- “If we are being successful in terms of inflation at truly fast speeds, at the same time we are with a recomposition of the fiscal accounts that indicates that we are not going to have problems reaching financial balance in March, if we continue with this process of sanitation of the Central Bank we could be releasing the stocks in the middle of the year .”