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Politics Omnibus Law: the Government assures that it is open to an agreement, but the opposition pressures to set up a negotiating table - Infobae


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Omnibus Law: the Government assures that it is open to an agreement, but the opposition pressures to set up a negotiating table - Infobae


January 01, 2024

The opposition blocs that are willing to support the project demand that progress be made in the modifications. They seek to achieve a consensus with the ruling party to obtain a majority opinion.

By Joaquín Múgica Diaz

In the Government they assure that they are inclined to an agreement and that negotiations with the opposition are active (Maximiliano Luna)

“If it were not for us, this law would not pass. If we didn't pick up the phone, I don't know where we would be right now”. The phrase belongs to an important deputy of the dialogue opposition, the roof on which the blocks of the UCR and We Make the Federal Coalition move, which they lead Rodrigo De Loredo and Miguel Ángel Pichetto. The first contains 34 legislators and the second 23. An agreement with both sectors is decisive for the ruling party if the objective is to obtain the best possible law. Without their support, the law does not pass.

There are two parallel realities. In the opposition sector, which is willing to support the project but demands modifications, they assure that there is still a need to generate a formal instance to be able to negotiate specific changes to the extensive text. A table where the main opposition leaders are seated and an interlocutor who is endorsed and empowered by Javier Milei, who has the ability to raise or lower his thumb to the modifications proposed by the opposition.

In both blocks they agree that the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Martín Menem, is an interlocutor “voluntary” but who lacks the necessary power to advance in the finest negotiation. They believe that he does not have decision-making capacity and that limits him in meetings. He must consult everything with the Casa Rosada and the parliamentary work becomes thick, because the answers do not arrive.

“We have to start making a point by article to reach a prior agreement and obtain a majority opinion in the coming days”, they stated at the UCR. Radicalism generated a traffic light with the articles of the law several days ago. Those who will accompany, those who are in doubt and those who will not support under any circumstances.

José Luis Espert, Gabriel Bornoroni and Nicolás Mayoraz, the three presidents of the commissions in which the omnibus law is being debated in Congress (Franco Fafasuli)

In that list there are six central points that have the red mark and that are not accepted by the historic party: the extension of the emergency public, the delegation of powers from the Legislative Branch to the Executive, the suppression of the retirement formula and the installation of increases by decree, the electoral reform, the privatization of public companies (those of YPF and Banco Nación are not endorsed) and the increase of withholdings. The majority are not supported by the Pichetto bloc either. There is a common cause. A meeting point.

The intention of the UCR, We Make the Federal Coalition and the PRO is to reach an agreement between the three with the key points to negotiate with the ruling party, in order to endorse a joint opinion and give important political support to the bill. Harmonize positions to found consensus. The big question for the three sectors of the opposition is whether Milei will validate the changes that were sent to Menem and from which they have not received concrete responses.

The PRO is the space that is closest to the ruling party and that demands the least reforms. On the other hand, the other two blocs are valuing their role as arbitrators in a fractured Parliament and are demanding substantial modifications to cast their votes. Beyond the intention to support and the decision to provide governance, in both blocks they say they are “bewildered” by the statements of the Head of State, who yesterday He said that the number of votes was there for the law to be approved. “ The numbers are there, we believe everything will work out” , he said.

In the opposition they assure that there is a modus operandi that has become common in the Government. They receive the changes that the blocks want to make, respond through the media and modify some articles in public to show that they are flexible. “We are being patient. After the attacks that we have received against our party, which we do not endorse and we reproach them, we turned the other cheek and we want to support,” was the summary of a radical deputy.

The president of the UCR block, Rodrigo De Loredo (Maximiliano Luna)

“It seems unbelievable but we are more worried than the ruling party about getting the law passed. The truth ends up being one”, was the sentence of a deputy who is part of Pichetto's bloc and who is upset by the lack of political praxis and the disorder that exists to be able to negotiate the essential points of the law. At La Libertad Avanza (LLA) they assure that there are “several channels open” and they trust that the project will be able to be discussed in the facility before the end of month.

In the three opposition blocs they clarify that the only way for the ruling party to achieve a majority ruling is with their endorsement. That is, an opinion that bears the signature of the legislators of the UCR, We Make the Federal Coalition, the PRO and LLA, and that reaches the final discussion ready to give the half sanction.

If the ruling party wants to ensure the vote in the chamber, then it will have to grant modifications in the commission and reach the final vote with everything agreed. “What we want is to ensure the opinion and a positive vote on the general law”, explained to Infobae one of the most active opposition legislators in the search for parliamentary agreements.

The negotiations for this to happen are open and will take place in different congressional offices. In this informal give and take, radicalism has as representatives the president of the bloc, Rodrigo De Loredo and the former deputy and parliamentary secretary of the bloc, For the PRO they are in front < /span>, met with Menem on Wednesday night.María Eugenia Vidal. Both, along with Cristian Ritondo and Silvia LospenatoMiguel Pichetto, Juan Manuel López, Emilio Monzó, Nicolás Massot, Carlos Gutiérrez and Oscar Agost Carreño.. For We Make the Federal Coalition they are Alejandro Cacace.

The president of the Chamber of Deputies, Martín Menem, together with the Minister of Infrastructure, Guillermo Ferraro

The president of the lower house and the secretary of parliamentary relations, Omar De Marchi, are the main leaders of the Government immersed in the negotiations . There is also the president of the libertarian bloc, Oscar Zago, who seeks, like the opposition blocs, to reach the venue with a majority opinion, and < /span>, the man from Santa Fe who chairs the Constitutional Affairs commission.Nicolás Mayoraz

The opposition hopes that with these active ties an agreement can be reached next week to set up a negotiating table with the block heads. Some legislators have also approached the Secretary of Energy, Eduardo Rodríguez Chirillo, whom they point out as one of the ideologues of the project. However, they do not see him as the right man to count the opposition's will and negotiate on Milei's behalf.

Next Monday, after the Union for the Homeland (UP) bloc repeatedly demanded, the deputies will receive different sectors of society that are concerned about the impact of the law in their areas. There will be representatives from agriculture, production, biofuels, unions, culture and medicine, among many others, who during the week that is ending held meetings with different opposition legislators raising their differences with the project and the impact of the law.

Silvia Lospenatto, one of the PRO legislators who is involved in the negotiations to advance the law (Franco Fafasuli)

The CGT, for example, is waiting to be assigned the day and time to be able to meet with radicalism next week. That meeting could take place on Tuesday. The labor union met in the last hours with the left bloc and confirmed in a plenary session of regional delegates that it maintains the strike for January 24, one day before the date set by the ruling party to discuss the law in the Chamber. low.

“We do not accept Milei's 'all or nothing'. Whether the law comes out depends on them”. That phrase from an important national deputy of the UCR encompasses the position of the dialogue opposition. To pass the law, the President is obliged to grant. If he does so, he will receive the necessary votes and will begin, a handful of days later, the treatment in the Senate, where the pressure will be on Vice President Victoria Villarruel. If the decision is the opposite, there will be no omnibus law.