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Politics Omnibus Law: the governors remain divided by Profits and retirements and the Casa Rosada postpones the definition - Infobae

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Omnibus Law: the governors remain divided by Profits and retirements and the Casa Rosada postpones the definition - Infobae​



March 21, 2024

National officials meet with the opposition to reach consensus and prevent their renewed project from being rejected again in Congress. The Government will decide after Easter

Guillermo Francos with Osvaldo Jaldo and Rogelio Frigerio

Little by little, the leadership of the Government rebuilt its relationship with the opposition after the fall of the Omnibus Law in Congress and resumed conversations with provincial leaders and block heads, facing the Pact of May 25 and the treatment of the new package of reforms that will be sent in the coming days.

Although the ruling party is confident that the new text, which it released at the end of last week, already has broader support because it emerged from the multiple negotiations that have been taking place since January, there are still two points in which there is still discrepancy: Income Tax and the pension update formula .

To prevent the initiative from being rejected again in Deputies, the Chief of Staff, Nicolás Posse , and the Ministers of Economy, Luis “Toto” Caputo , and of the Interior, Guillermo Francos , receive governors, civil servants almost daily in their offices provincials and leaders.

On the one hand, as anticipated by Infobae , this Thursday the Social Security Commission of the Lower House will begin to work on seven projects with parliamentary status to modify the way in which salaries are currently increased.

Claudio Vidal, governor of Santa Cruz, visited the Casa Rosada this Wednesday

The “dialogue” spaces seek to have the issue debated as soon as possible, but La Libertad Avanza insists that the issue be included in the fiscal package that it will send along with the Omnibus Law and that the formula in question arise from the conversations between the different sectors.

What is completely ruled out is that the measure will be implemented through a Decree of Necessity and Urgency , as was speculated at one point: “These things cannot come out through DNU,” explained President Javier Milei himself , during a television interview.

Recently, Caputo launched a dialogue table with the Ministers of Economy of all the provinces to analyze with them the fine letter of the tax reforms, although there is still no consensus between the different regions of the country on some articles.

While the Argentine north insists on the need to re-implement the fourth category of the Income Tax, which Sergio Massa eliminated when he was in charge of the Treasury Palace and competing for the Presidency, the South asks that the scheme be maintained current.

For the Patagonia area, if the scales are rolled back, oil and mining workers would be harmed, among others, two of the main productive activities in the south, which also generate foreign currency.

However, the North asks that this measure be taken in order to increase collection, taking into account that the project that will be sent to Congress no longer includes the increase in withholdings or the possibility of sharing the tax on the check. nor the COUNTRY.

Milei trusts that, this time, Congress will approve his reforms (EFE)
The Government does not want to have any more complications in Congress and its intention is to agree on all the points in dispute before the reformulated Omnibus Law and the fiscal package enter the Chamber of Deputies to be discussed in committee and, subsequently, voted on. For this reason, in Balcarce 50 they consider that the parliamentary process will not begin until after Easter .

Just in these days, Francos met with the deputies of the We Make Federal Coalition bloc, led by Miguel Ángel Pichetto and Emilio Monzó , and with the governor of Santa Cruz, Claudio Vidal .

Last Friday, meanwhile, together with the executive secretary of the Government of the Chief of Staff, José Rolandi , and the Secretary of the Interior, Lisandro Catalán , he separately received the leaders in the lower house of the PRO, Cristian Ritondo , and the UCR, Rodrigo de Loredo .

“We have put together a draft Base Law and one for tax reforms. We are discussing these projects with the heads of the blocks and the governors. Dialogue has to prevail, we have to talk with the rest of Congress to reach agreements that allow us to approve it,” said the official in a television interview.

In parallel, La Libertad Avanza has already added three deputies to its bloc: José Luis Espert , who was part of Avanza Libertad, but was always close to Milei; Álvaro Fernando Martínez , head of the Mendoza PRO, but who was far from the party founded by Mauricio Macri, and more recently, Florencia Klipauka Lewtak , a missionary who responded to Pichetto.

With a larger bench and with the text of the initiatives with more time for discussion, the ruling party is confident that, this time, the reforms will be approved, but it knows that for this it will have to continue with the meetings and does not have in mind to rush their treatment. .