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Politics Omnibus Law: the options that Milei evaluates to advance with the reforms after the parliamentary setback - Infobae


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Omnibus Law: the options that Milei evaluates to advance with the reforms after the parliamentary setback - Infobae



February 08, 2024

The President is convinced that the omnibus law will not be debated again as it was originally. An important representative of La Libertad Avanza specified that one option is to send only some reforms to parliamentary discussion.

By Ferico Galligani

The President is on an international tour (EFE/EPA/ABIR SULTAN)

All options are on the table , but as happened when it was decided to suspend the debate in particular on the Omnibus Law, it will be President Javier Milei who will decide if the project is discussed again in committee, if only a part of it is sent or if the initiative is completely ruled out and the Government continues its management with “existing constitutional tools”, which may include decrees and popular consultation, as was suggested.

Until the last minute, as parliamentary sources revealed to Infobae , what was going to be announced was the total withdrawal of the State reform package, an order that would have come directly from Israel, where the head of state is located.

In the midst of the discussion, last Tuesday, the national president communicated with one of his main advisors, Santiago Caputo , and with the Chief of Staff, Nicolás Posse , to learn more about what was happening in Buenos Aires.

The political communication expert was clear and told Milei that the initiative was not having the support that the ruling party expected. He also ratified, thus, his position that there was no need to negotiate with the opposition, which continued to demand the sharing of the PAIS tax, among other points.

Santiago Caputo, presidential advisor (EFE/ Lenin Nolly)

From Jerusalem, where he is as part of his international tour, which will also take him to Italy and the Vatican, the President gave the order that the La Libertad Avanza bloc withdraw the law and that the entire text return to committee, although some Officials were not clear, at the time, that the measure meant that the package was left without the general approval it had received last week.

This would be the same path that will be followed to determine what will happen now with the set of reforms: Milei, in communication from abroad, or when he is back in Argentina, will analyze together with Caputo and Posse what he will do with the set of reforms in the State, a definition that Congress was still waiting for .

For his part, the Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos , met this Wednesday at noon with the head of the Chamber of Deputies, Martín Menem , to talk about what happened in the failed session and take stock of the negotiations with the opposition that They had been going on for weeks.

In this sense, according to what official sources revealed to Infobae , both sought to understand what went wrong so that some deputies who had committed to supporting some key articles for the Government, such as the delegated powers, ended up voting against.

The Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos (Telam)

For the ruling party, this was a first review of the context in which they currently find themselves, to begin to think about whether it is convenient to insist on the project and discuss it again in committees or if, on the contrary, it is more appropriate for them to go for some alternative.

Francos even planned to call the head of state in the next few hours to find out how to continue. This is the national official who serves as a link with the governors, some of whom were accused of being traitors by the Casa Rosada, after the rejection in Congress.

Even the discontent with the local leaders extended to the Cabinet and there is already talk of the possible departure of officials from other parties, as is the case of Osvaldo Giordano , head of the ANSeS, who came to that position on the recommendation of the Córdoban Juan Schiaretti .

“The President is convinced that the Law will not be debated again as it was originally ,” said an important representative of La Libertad Avanza, who specified that one option is for only some reforms to be sent to parliamentary discussion.

For the rest of the measures, meanwhile, the National Executive Branch could issue decrees, although it would be a very limited tool, since current regulations prevent the DNU from being used for issues related to fiscal, partisan and tax matters.

Thus, another alternative that appears on the horizon is the plebiscite, a measure that Milei himself had already hinted during the campaign that he was going to use if he encountered resistance in Congress for the policies he intends during his administration.

At this point, two possible procedures appear, the first of them is the Binding Popular Consultation , which according to Law 25,432, can be applied to any project, “with the exception of those whose sanction procedure is specially regulated by the National Constitution through the determination of the chamber of origin or by the requirement of a qualified majority for its approval.” With this measure, if the electorate approves the reform package, it would be sanctioned, but to convene it it is necessary to go through both Chambers.

The Government has the option of calling a popular consultation (REUTERS/Agustin Marcarian)

The next tool is the non-binding Popular Consultation , which works for “any matter of general interest to the Nation”, with the same exceptions as those mentioned above. In this case, however, the vote is not mandatory and its result will only serve as a social thermometer, although to call one of these consultations, the Executive Branch does not require the approval of Congress.

Thus, the Government has three options on the table to advance with the State reforms it intends to : send the text of the project - already modified - to the committee in Deputies; issue decrees for the measures in which it can, and manage the adjustment as it can, and call for a Popular Consultation, whether binding or not.

“I cannot anticipate what position the President will take from now on, I assume that he will use the constitutional tools that allow him to continue with his Government, be it a referendum, a decree of necessity and urgency, among others,” Francos acknowledged.

What was certain at this time was that the initiative was not going to be debated again as it was originally and, in principle, the period of the extraordinary sessions, which expire on February 15, was not going to be extended.

For this reason, although it was not ruled out that the President would make a decision in the middle of his international tour, the Government would wait until the national leader was back in Argentina to analyze the situation cold.

At the end of a meeting of the La Libertad Avanza bloc, the head of the bench in the Chamber of Deputies, Oscar Zago , told Infobae that between this Thursday and Friday the Casa Rosada could inform its legislators what the steps to follow will be. . However, the definition could take longer .