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Politics Omnibus law: today at 6 p.m. it will begin to be discussed in the plenary session of committees of the Chamber of Deputies - Infobae


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Omnibus law: today at 6 p.m. it will begin to be discussed in the plenary session of committees of the Chamber of Deputies - Infobae


The ruling party called the legislators to a meeting for this afternoon, with the aim of reaching an opinion and taking the debate to the premises next Thursday

(Franco Fafasuli)

The ruling party convened a plenary session of commissions today at 6 p.m. to discuss the omnibus law , officially called the “Bases and starting points for the freedom of Argentines” project. The meeting will take place in the Meeting Room on the 2nd floor of Annex “C” of the Lower House.

After an extensive negotiation that included numerous modifications to the original proposal, legislators will begin to debate the new text with the aim of issuing an opinion and then discussing the bill in a session that (if there are no changes) could be held next Thursday in the Chamber of Deputies .

The call occurred this morning, after a Monday of very intense debates that closed with the request of the governors of the UCR and the PRO, who asked Milei for more changes to the omnibus law.

After an extensive negotiation that included numerous modifications to the original proposal, legislators will begin to debate the new text with the aim of issuing an opinion and then discussing the bill in a session that (if there are no changes) could be held next Thursday in the Chamber of Deputies .

The call occurred this morning, after a Monday of very intense debates that closed with the request of the governors of the UCR and the PRO, who asked Milei for more changes to the omnibus law.

Leandro Zdero (Chaco), Maximiliano Pullaro (Santa Fe), Nacho Torres (Chubut), Jorge Macri (CABA), Gustavo Valdés (Corrientes), Rogelio Frigerio (Entre Ríos), Alfredo Cornejo (Mendoza), Carlos Sadir (Jujuy), Marcelo Orrego (San Juan) and Claudio Poggi (San Luis), the 10 leaders of the so-called “dialogue opposition” participated in a summit with Guillermo Francos, Minister of the Interior of the Nation.

Nacho Torres, Claudio Poggi, Marcelo Orrego and Maximiliano Pullaro, some of the governors who make up the so-called "dialogue opposition."

The Government does not give up on removing withholdings from agriculture and industry. In the middle of that fight, he winked at the provincial leaders: he announced that today he will send to Congress the personal income bill to reverse the elimination of the fourth category of the Income Tax that had been repealed at the end of 2023. According to Infobae , the tax will cover salaries starting at 1.3 million pesos per month .

The restitution of Profits was one of the tug-of-war between the provinces and the Casa Rosada, since in this way the Government could recompose tax revenues but in addition the governors would also get a cut as it was a co-participatory tax, unlike the PAIS tax and withholdings. The dialogue remains open.

Another of the most important points that the new project modifies is the adjustment of pensions . While in the original it delegated to the Executive to do it via DNU, it is now established that until April the current pension formula will be maintained and from that month it will be adjusted by CPI, something that the UCR bloc had been demanding. In addition, the privileged retirements of the Presidents and Vice Presidents are eliminated .

Regarding the delegation of legislative powers to the Executive, through the declaration of 11 emergencies for 2 years extendable for two more years with the sole signature of the President, that was finally worded in a way by which the emergency in social and health matters was eliminated. defense although the remaining 9 remain, and the term of legislative delegations was reduced to one year, with the possibility of extending it for 12 more months with approval of Congress.
However, one point to keep in mind is that in last week's conversations the health emergency had been eliminated and in this document they maintain it as a "health emergency."

Privatization and money laundering were two other of the most conflictive aspects of the project . In the case of the former, eliminate YPF from the list. And for Nucleoelectrica, Banco Nación and ARSAT it is established that only “partial privatization” can be carried out.

In the case of money laundering, it was defined that what is generated will be “used to capitalize the Central Bank”, that is, it will not be shared as established in the original project, which is generating greater anger from the governors .

In addition, among other major changes, it redesigns the Culture chapter , where the closure of the National Arts Fund is not encouraged and the funds for the INCAA are maintained .

Although 141 articles disappear from the text of the project, which goes from 664 initially to 523 in this last stage, the Government warned that it will insist on many of them from March 1 , when the ordinary sessions begin .

This group includes the jury trial , the transfer of national justice to the City of Buenos Aires, the Mental Health law, the Companies law, the Electoral Reform, the modifications to the Civil Code and the Penal Code , among others.