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Politics Omnibus law: with modifications, the project with the reforms promoted by Javier Milei reached Congress - Infobae


Omnibus law: with modifications, the project with the reforms promoted by Javier Milei reached Congress - Infobae


January 22, 2024

Opposition deputies have already received the return with the changes and will study the text to define whether they support the Government. The pension formula would be maintained until April

By Robertino Sánchez Flecha

Martín Menem and Guillermo Francos, president of the Chamber of Deputies and Minister of the Interior of the Nation, respectively.

After a Sunday frantic for politics, the Government sent to Congress the text with the returns to the modifications requested by a part of the opposition to the Law Bases and Starting Points for the Freedom of Argentines. At this time, the deputies of the “dialogue” blocs are analyzing the document to evaluate whether they reach an agreement or, if they demand more changes. The 112-page article, accessed by Infobae, is written colloquially, that is, it is not about of the normative articles, but only of the observations on the draft that the deputies of the Unión Cívica Radical (UCR), the PRO and We Make the Federal Coalition delivered on Thursday to the officials sent by the president, Javier Milei, to the Lower House.

Among the most relevant changes that the Government accepted, the chapter on export rights stands out. After pressure from the Governors, Milei accepted that the withholdings to regional economies will be zero . “They are set at 0% for regional economies. In turn, the power of the Executive Branch to raise export duties is eliminated. "Only the power to reduce them is maintained," stated the Executive Branch document.

In turn, the Government indicated that the pension formula is maintained until the month of April . “It is healthy to expose the privileges of a few, it is healthy to move our regulatory framework forward by modifying things that time had entrenched. Also it is healthy to listen, correct, learn. All this and much more happened during this debate,” says the text in its first part.

Milei also agreed to withdraw a series of sections from the original text of the Omnibus Law so that they can be discussed starting in March, in the regular session period. Among them, the Jury Trial, mental health issues, changes in corporate law, the discussion on the transfer of national justice to the City, and three electoral reform issues (single-member sections, the future) stand out. of the PASO and the political party regime).

The Government's return arrived late on Sunday and at dawn. As Infobae learned, Milei officials presented the document by chapters, and a “final version” arrived around 8:30 today. The dialogue opposition blocks, which between the three of them reach 94 deputies, will take the morning to inspect the text in depth. Then, they will analyze it together with the governors of the UCR and the PRO to evaluate whether they ask the Casa Rosada for a dialogue table.