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Economy One by one, all the increases that are fully in force from this Monday - Infobae

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One by one, all the increases that are fully in force from this Monday - Infobae



September 02, 2024

Electricity, gas, fuel and rent are just some of the items that will see increases starting in September and will mean a new blow to the pocket

(Illustrative Image Infobae)

September is here and there will be more pressure on the pockets of Argentines, who will suffer increases in the rates of public services such as water, electricity and gas, and rent, transportation, fuel and prepaid health insurance.

Although the Consumer Price Index (CPI) of the National Institute for Statistics (Indec) continues its downward trend and private consulting firms estimate that inflation in August will be lower than in July, price increases persist and the cost of living becomes more expensive. One by one, all the increases that are coming in September:


Yesterday, Sunday, a new increase in the prices of gasoline and diesel began to take effect . Throughout the country, the increase was around 3%, while in CABA the average increase was almost 7 percent. This difference in the increases is due to the fact that companies are seeking to reduce the price gap between the capital and the interior.

The reason for the jump at the pumps is the transfer of the monthly 2% devaluation carried out by the Central Bank and the update of the tax on liquid fuels (ICL), which had been frozen for almost 4 years. Thus, fuels have accumulated an increase of 85% so far this year.

YPF's super gasoline, the local leader with nearly 60% of the market, will go from $992 to $1,059 per liter in CABA (an increase of 6.75%), according to prices reported on the Surtidores portal. This is the most sold fuel segment.

YPF super gasoline will go from $992 to $1,059 per liter in CABA (Photo: Shutterstock)

Premium gasoline, on the other hand, rose from $1,226 to $1,309 per liter (+6.75%). Diesel, on the other hand, increased from $1,032 to $1,084 per liter (+5%) and the new price of premium diesel oil is $1,334 (+1%).

Water levels rise in AMBA​

Starting this Monday, users of Agua y Saneamientos Argentinos SA (AySA) will pay 4.48% more for water and sewage services. The increase is the result of the application of the polynomial formula established in resolution 9/24, which provides for a monthly indexation of the cost of the service in accordance with the advance of inflation.

According to information from AySA, 44% of water and sewage users belong to the low zone (1,187,139 users), 37% to the medium zone (996,718) and 20% to the high zone (534,517).

In the first case, the average bill will go from $16,155 in August to $16,878 in September; for those in the middle zone the bill will jump from $20,104 to $21,005, while those in the high zone will stop paying $22,137 and start paying an average of $23,129.

Electricity and gas rates​

Next Wednesday, September 4th is the last day to register in the Registry of Access to Energy Subsidies (RASE) and keep the subsidies granted by the National State for electricity and gas services. Those who do not register by that date and do not meet the requirements to continue being part of the benefit will face sharp increases in their bills. The national government will apply an average adjustment of 4% in the rates of both services starting this month.

Gas, electricity and water rates will increase in September (Illustrative Image Infobae)

Despite the successive increases that have occurred throughout the year, according to calculations by the Ministry of Energy, at a national level, residential users cover only 57% of the “real” cost of gas and 64% of electricity . The rest is subsidy and the Ministry of Economy is seeking to achieve 100% coverage.

Public transport​

Starting this month, the national government will stop financing the integrated ticket for the SUBE Network on buses that circulate exclusively in the province of Buenos Aires and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (CABA). As a result, thousands of users will suffer an increase in bus fares . It should be noted, however, that the integrated ticket will be maintained on some lines under national jurisdiction within the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires (AMBA).

For his part, the Minister of Transport of Buenos Aires, Jorge D'Onofrio , warned that the province will not cover this gap and warned that he will exhaust administrative avenues, without ruling out resorting to the courts. "Passengers who need to take two transports on the way there and two back will suffer a 25% increase and those who take 3 will suffer a 40% increase on the current rate," said the official of Axel Kicillof in radio statements.


The prepaid medical companies have already communicated the new increases to their members in the September fees. The tariff updates are above the inflation of July, which was 4 percent. According to the information provided by the companies, the health plans will have an increase of between 4.5% and 5.8%. The prepaid companies justify the increases by the “high” inflation.

In this way, private medical firms will apply the third increase in the prices of their plans after the legal dispute that prevented increases above the price index. It should be noted that since July, fees have been adjusted “freely”.


Tenants with current rental contracts and who must update them in September will have a small relief. For the first time in 50 months, the Rental Contract Index (ICL) slowed its increase and climbed 243.16%, when in August it had risen 247.56%. Therefore, a family that paid $100,000 in August, and for a year, next month will pay $343,160 for the next 12 months.

A family that paid $100,000 in August, and for a year, will pay $343,160 next month for the next 12 months. (Illustrative Image Infobae)

Despite this reduction, the update is still expensive for those who have to pay month to month for their home, added to the sharp increase in expenses that last July marked a record of 101.6% so far in 2024.

Private schools​

As regards Education, new increases are also coming. Martín Zurita , representative of the Association of Educational Institutions of the Province of Buenos Aires (AIEPBA), indicated to this newspaper that another increase in the fees of private schools is expected due to the recent increases agreed upon in the teachers' collective bargaining agreement.

Zurita said that 70% of private and subsidized schools in the Province and City of Buenos Aires (PBA and CABA) will receive authorization to apply these increases. The remaining 30% will implement adjustments in fees, which will be around 4.5%.

Technical Vehicle Inspection (VTV)​

Drivers in the City of Buenos Aires will experience an increase of more than 70% in the Vehicle Technical Inspection (VTV) fee starting in September. According to Resolution 91/2024, published in the Official Gazette on Wednesday, August 28, the Government has approved this increase, which will affect cars, motorcycles and other vehicles starting September 1.

In CABA, drivers will have to pay $38,014.57 to carry out the VTV. Meanwhile, in the Province of Buenos Aires, the rates will be as follows:

  • Motorcycles: $10,359.35
  • Cars and light vehicles up to 2,500 kg: $34,531.17
  • Heavy vehicles weighing more than 2,500 kg: $62,156.10
  • Trailers, semi-trailers and trailers up to 2,500 kg: $17,265.58
  • Trailers, semi-trailers and trailers weighing more than 2,500 kg: $31,078.06