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Politics Pablo De la Torre was fired from the Ministry of Human Capital, in the midst of the controversy over the delivery of food - Infobae

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Pablo De la Torre was fired from the Ministry of Human Capital, in the midst of the controversy over the delivery of food - Infobae​



May 30, 2024

The official was in charge of distributing food to soup kitchens and social organizations. Minister Pettovello launched an investigation into products with an expiry date close to their expiration date. Grabois had appeared before the Court to denounce the situation

By Andres Klipphan

Vice Minister Pablo De la Torre resigned from his position amid questions over food distribution

The Secretary of Children and Family and virtual number two of the Ministry of Human Capital, Pablo De la Torre , was removed from his position in the midst of a strong controversy over the distribution of food destined for soup kitchens and social organizations. Minister Sandra Pettovello made the decision after a series of complaints, protests and the presentation before the Court of social organizations that denounced the withholding of food in the offices of that organization.

“As a result of information received about the status and expiration dates of certain products acquired by the previous government (which are located in the warehouses of Villa Martelli and Tafí Viejo in the province of Tucumán of the former Ministry of Social Development), "has carried out an audit and has decided to limit the powers of the responsible officials and employees who, due to poor performance of their tasks, have not carried out a permanent control of stock and expiration of merchandise," the Ministry reported.

The corresponding administrative investigations will be carried out, and a protocol is being put in place for the immediate delivery of soon-to-expire food through the Argentine Army to guarantee fast and efficient logistics ,” it was indicated.

Claims for food are a constant of the picketing groups that criticize the Government

The lawyer and leader of Argentina Humana, Juan Grabois, had warned before Pettovello's decision was known that the official information entered into the case shows that among the food stored in warehouses there is powdered milk that will soon expire. The referent appeared before the Court to claim that food was withheld and that there was food about to expire.

“According to the official information submitted by the national government to the case for breach of official duties in which Pettovello is accused, there are not five but six thousand tons of food in the government warehouses; To make matters worse, 339,867 kg of powdered milk yields 2,718,936 liters of liquid milk that expire in July and they have not yet presented the delivery schedule,” Juan Grabois denounced on social networks. And he claimed: “In total there are 924,970 kilos of milk. “Distribute the food, you scoundrels!”

“Of the deliveries made to date, few have to do with emergencies. They were referred to religious institutions, municipalities and provinces. Even a well-known piquetero movement received 225,050 kg of food,” Grabois said and questioned that “90% of the social aid network that we wove for decades to address the basic problems that neither the state nor the market solves in a context of doubling of extreme poverty.”


After the news of his departure from the Cabinet became known, Pablo De la Torre expressed: “It was an honor to be part of the national government during these months. I will continue working for our country from wherever I am. I ask God to enlighten President Milei in the enormous task that is to move this country forward.”

Other resignations​

Two out of five. Of the first table that Pettovello had as collaborators as soon as he took office, only Torrendel, from Education, and Leonardo Cifelli remain.
The Ministry of Capital thus added a new resignation. With a size that contains what were the portfolios of Social Development, Labor and Education, it is the agency of Javier Milei's government that has the most resignations. With today's there are already 15 resignations.

The last ones were that of Liliana Archimbal, to the Undersecretary of Labor. Before, Maximiliano Keczeli , one of Pettovello's closest collaborators, and head of legal within the portfolio. And Gerardo Marcelo Hita , director of the National Council for the Coordination of Social Policies, had left last month.

Pablo Rodríguez , who worked in the Secretariat of Children and Family -although his appointment had not been formalized-, and Agustín Sánchez Sorondo , administrative undersecretary, left their position at the beginning of February. Rodrigo “Roco” Aybar also left that orbit , who went from being undersecretary of Innovation of the Solidarity Economy, within Human Capital, to being undersecretary of Housing.

Another area that underwent strong changes was the Ministry of Labor, which operates under the orbit of Pettovello. From there, the Undersecretary of Labor Horacio Pitrau , a labor law expert with a past in the PRO, was fired at the beginning of January, who was ejected from office for having entered into negotiations with union sectors. Two weeks earlier, Omar Yasín suffered the same fate , who was held responsible for salary increases to ministers and President Milei himself, of around 50%. In addition, Luis Palomino and Mariana Hortal Sueldo , also from the work area of that portfolio, left .

And the head of ANSES, Osvaldo Giordano , who also left his position, in retaliation for the rejection of his wife, deputy Alejandra Torres , to the “Omnibus Law.” Previously, the director of the Casa Grande “Néstor Kirchner”, Marcelo Basilotta, had resigned . The decision was made known a few hours after the name change of that agency to “Casa Patria Libertad” was confirmed. One who only lasted a few days as an informal collaborator was the Buenos Aires deputy Fabián Perechodnik .

Profile of the outgoing official​

Photo in campaign. President Milei and Secretary Pablo de la Torre who ended up outside the government

De la Torre, who is the brother of the former mayor of San Miguel and current provincial senator (Together for Change), Joaquín de la Torre . In the Buenos Aires district, he was in charge of the Health area and is currently secretary of childhood and family. He is a pediatrician, and president of the Concordia Civil Association. As indicated from San Miguel, he was always linked to social issues, especially since the creation of the Family Child Development Centers.

De la Torre also came to manage Milei because he had an excellent relationship with the main leaders of the Church . In 2020, when he was municipal Health Secretary, he made public his position on the law to decriminalize abortion. “We have decided to study medicine by vocation, to save lives, to fight disease and to fight death. Always, and everywhere, we are willing to give our lives even for our patients, in the office, in the guard, on a soccer field, thousands of times at events we have repeated in the face of the situation “a doctor, please.” Why, to save lives, that is our vocation, our profession, the oath we took when we graduated.”

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