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Politics Pablo Moyano: “The CGT is more united than ever and the objective is to overturn the DNU and the omnibus law” - Infobae


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Pablo Moyano: “The CGT is more united than ever and the objective is to overturn the DNU and the omnibus law” - Infobae


January 10, 2024

The leader of the Truck Drivers' union ratified the national strike on January 24 and said that the labor union will remain committed to ensuring that the Government's initiatives are not approved.

Pablo Moyano: "The objective of the CGT is to overturn the DNU and the omnibus law".

While Congress debates the omnibus law in committees, and the Government tries to unblock Justice The parts of the DNU that were suspended , from the CGT ratified that the only objective they have is that these initiatives are not approved and to mobilize on January 24, the day of the first national strike since the inauguration as president of Javier Milei.

Pablo Moyano, truck driver leader and representative of the labor union, assured today that they will maintain their critical position on the two initiatives of the Executive Branch and asked the deputies, “mainly from Peronism ", to reject the projects.

Moyano highlighted that the first demonstrations against the Milei Government have already begun to be evident, and said that everything will culminate on January 24 in the national strike to “demand and accompany the deputies who have to face the people and reject this DNU that comes to liquidate workers' rights."
During an interview with journalist Gustavo Sylvestre on Radio 10, the trade unionist ratified the unity of the CGT, “despite some differences ", and ratified the immediate objectives they have: “Today the CGT is more united than ever, beyond the differences we may have. Today the objective is one: overturn the DNU, overturn the omnibus law and mobilize the 24th. And be present in every conflict that is going to be generated”.

Moyano also said that unionism must “remain on permanent alert because very very screwed up moments are coming” since “the measures that are being discussed today point to the heart of the workers, to the salary, to obtain compensation.”
“The most important thing is that in the CGT we are meeting with different blocks. Today the objective of the CGT is that the DNU is not voted on, to reach 129 deputies,” he added.

An image of the CGT march to the Courts against the DNU. Photo: Telam

Moyano was forceful with his criticism of the Government, stating that all the measures they take “are against the workers, the retirees, and in favor of the caste.” “ Both the DNU and the Omnibus Law were created by the Techint group, by Mercado Libre,” he shot.

In addition, he questioned the lack of dialogue between the Executive and the different sectors: “They do not dialogue with the governors, they do not dialogue with the mayors. “They rule for the caste,” he insisted.

Criticism of Cavallieri and message for Massa​

In another part of the interview, Pablo Moyano referred to two issues that happened in recent weeks. One, the photo that the general secretary of the Trade Employees Union took with the Minister of Human Capital, Sandra Pettovello, and the Secretary of Labor, Omar Yasín, after a meeting in which the union member told them that he would join the system of compensation promoted by Milei.

“The only one who has tried it is the Commercial Employees union, with that first photo. They should have fired all three of them. There you realize the contempt for the workers,” Moyano said.

On December 27, almost simultaneously with the CGT protest against the DNU of Javier Milei before the Palace of Courts, the leader of the Argentine Federation of Commerce and Services Employees (FAECYS), provided for in the DNU with the creation of a in January he will include in his agreement a new compensation system that unionists and employers agree upon in the agreements. And, in addition, he confirmed thatsolidarity quotas an article of the labor reform that affected the will be corrected and achieved the promise that Omar Yasín, and the Secretary of Labor, Sandra Pettovello,was meeting with the Minister of Human Capital, Armando Cavalieri, such as that of the UOCRA.

Armando Cavalieri with Sandra Pettovello and Omar Yasín, during the meeting held at the end of December.

Pettovello broke the news on social networks: “The union member expressed his adherence to the Cessation Fund figure, included in DNU 70 , which establishes a system for collecting immediate and fair compensation in order to be able to face future dismissals. A campaign promise from Javier Milei that today is a reality”, he published in

Moyano was also consulted about the alleged rejection of the call for a general strike made by the former Minister of Economy and presidential candidate for Unión por la Patria, Sergio Massa, last week during a meeting with the leaders of the CGT.

“There may be different talks, we have had meetings trying to rebuild, carrying out the self-criticism that Unión por la Patria needs. It had emerged that Sergio Massa (opposed the strike), but no, not that. This is something from the CGT. Since I do not raise political issues, measures that have been taken, no one can intervene in the CGT body,” he said.
cutting spending is hard, especially for the privileged Paid-Protestor class and the Union Mafia. PBD Podcast talked about the addiction to spending that some USA folks have, and it looks like Argentina has the same problem. hopefully we can live within our means and spend less, allow innovation and development, and see some true prosperity this decade:

Hip hip hooray! All the people fight Milei. This very good for Argentina.

cutting spending is hard, especially for the privileged Paid-Protestor class and the Union Mafia. PBD Podcast talked about the addiction to spending that some USA folks have, and it looks like Argentina has the same problem. hopefully we can live within our means and spend less, allow innovation and development, and see some true prosperity this decade:

Maybe you don't break the law and overstay in my country then you have a say.