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Politics Pablo Moyano threatened a Truckers' strike for Monday: “Not a leaf is going to move in the entire country” - Infobae

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Pablo Moyano threatened a Truckers' strike for Monday: “Not a leaf is going to move in the entire country” - Infobae​



April 04, 2024

The Deputy Secretary of the union is pressing for the Government to approve the last salary agreement that the union agreed with the employers, 45% in two tranches: 25% in March and 20% in April

Pablo Moyano threatens a Truck Drivers' strike

The assistant secretary of Truckers, Pablo Moyano , threatened in the last hours to promote a sectoral strike for next Monday if the national government does not approve the last salary agreement that the union agreed with the employers , 45% in two tranches: 25% in March and 20% in April. This same situation could be replicated in other unions.

“If on April 8, which is Monday, the 25% increase that was signed for March is not confirmed, not a leaf, not a pen, will move throughout the country . There is going to be a general strike from the Truckers union defending what was signed a month ago and has not yet been approved,” Moyano said in dialogue with C5N .

The Truckers agreement exceeds the limit imposed by the Ministry of Economy to discourage inflationary expectations. The union plays with the times: if 30 days after the agreement is declared there is no official approval, it will be considered “tacitly approved.” This is established by Law 23,546 , which establishes the procedural rules for collective labor agreements. The last joint agreement was signed on February 23 and the tacit approval has not yet been applied because one of the business chambers challenged the agreement before the Ministry of Labor.

From the Ministry of Labor, headed by lawyer Julio Cordero , there is still no news about the approval of the Truck Drivers' joint agreement. When asked by Infobae, official spokespersons limited themselves to stating: “This agreement is under legal review because it has several questions.”

What are those questions? The joint agreement was complicated by an internal dispute in the FADEEAC: four of the interior chambers (Córdoba, Santiago del Estero, Mendoza and San Juan) challenged the agreement before Labor considering that the agreement included "in a non-consultative manner" the payment of additional and an extraordinary contribution to social work. It is an amount of $10,000 per worker “to solve the union's deficit.” Since there are 200,000 members, it amounts to a total of 2,000 million pesos per month for the union coffers.

April, a month of union conflict​

The rejection of the Government's adjustment and salary limitations will accelerate the forceful measures of various unions this month . Faced with strong pressure, the CGT will set the date for the second general strike since Javier Milei took office .

The first reaction of unionism in April took place yesterday, Wednesday, with the day of national struggle promoted by ATE , in protest against the dismissals in various public ministries. Even its main leaders demanded that the general secretaries of the labor union carry out “a joint venture . ”

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Meanwhile, the Confederation of Transport Workers (CATT) plans “simultaneous scheduled assemblies in the work sectors” in April , which is a way of carrying out a covert strike. When speaking before some 400 representatives of railway, aeronautical, truck, maritime and taxi drivers, the deputy secretary of that entity, Juan Carlos Schmid (Dragado y Balizamiento), admitted that there will be assemblies “from 7 to 10, “interrupting services” as “ “first step to move towards greater intensity measures.” And he pointed out: “We have to win the fight with intelligence. “We are not going to do anything with a single strike.”

There will surely be more strikes if the Ministry of Labor delays the approval of salary agreements that exceed the 15% guideline set by the Economy.

Meanwhile, the majority sector of the CGT (“Gordos” and independents) is measuring the time before launching another general strike against the Government (the second after the 12-hour strike with mobilization on January 24), but the strong pressure exercised by different union fractions could lead to the urgent setting of a date for a new measure of force.

As Infobae anticipated , the CGT dialogueists are delaying the definition of another measure of force because, on the one hand, they are waiting for signs of an eventual call for dialogue by the Secretary of Labor, Julio Cordero, and, on the other, they believe that it is necessary wait for social unrest to grow to guarantee a very high level of compliance with the protest, something that they privately question because they look with concern at the surveys that continue to give Milei a good image .

In turn, the moderate current of the CGT is committed to reinforcing pressure on governors and legislators so that the ratification of DNU 70 and the Base Law (which includes the restoration of the Income Tax) fails in Congress. The leaders of this sector take credit for part of the political gain of having managed to get the Senate to reject Milei's decree of necessity and urgency.