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Politics Pablo Moyano warned that in the coming days the CGT will evaluate a new general strike for April - Infobae

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Pablo Moyano warned that in the coming days the CGT will evaluate a new general strike for April - Infobae​



March 23, 2024

The union secretary said that the possibility of a strike will be analyzed during the week. In principle it would be for the beginning of next month

The co-secretary of the CGT Pablo Moyano

Two months after the first general strike of the CGT during the administration of Javier Milei - the fastest for a new government - the union leader, Pablo Moyano , warned this Saturday that in the next week they will evaluate carrying out a second strike, which would be scheduled for the first days of April.

It was in dialogue with Radio 10 where the union member assured that it is a discussion that has been pending in the Confederation for several weeks and that, at the insistence of various sectors, it will be finalized after this Sunday's march , when it will be commemorated at victims of the last military dictatorship.

“Tomorrow all the Peronism, the union, social and human rights movements will be there. It's going to be an impressive mobilization. I think that later, in the week, there will be a meeting of the CGT and there they will discuss the possibility of a general strike or a large general march, as some sectors of the labor movement are asking for," Moyano said in the interview. radial.

As specified by the leader, the strike will be carried out, like the first time, to demonstrate their disagreement with the economic policies implemented by the libertarian administration and the discontent of the workers amid the fall in purchasing power.

Javier Milei and Pablo Moyano

In this sense, he revealed that the issue will be discussed among the main representatives of the CGT, but also in a plenary session of the CATT ( Argentine Confederation of Transport Workers), which he defined as a "very important" meeting.

“On Tuesday there is a very important plenary session of the CATT, all the transport unions, and surely there will also arise the need to carry out an action in the month of April. Today your transportation stops and practically all activity stops ,” he said, emphasizing how essential it is for its members to join the call.

Although he did not give details about the date on which the strike will take place, Moyano hinted at the possibility that it will be in the coming weeks: “Many are asking that the CGT make a decision for the first days of April .”

Days ago, the head of Truckers had given another radio interview in which he referred to the current context that the country is going through, which he said is marked by " growing social conflict ." His statements were in reference to the numerous measures of force that different unions have been carrying out in the last month.

The last general strike of the CGT in Congress

“Each activity is defending its workers, that is why there are sectoral strikes such as aeronautics, railways, teachers. All of this is going to add to that social conflict so that at the end of March or beginning of April,” he said. And he had anticipated this Sunday's mobilization: "On March 24, I think it will be one of the largest marches in recent years."

The last strike of the CGT​

On January 24, in the middle of the discussion over the Omnibus Law and the DNU, the CGT carried out a general strike for 12 hours. The measure was carried out just 45 days after the inauguration of Javier Milei, in what was the fastest protest for a new president in Argentina.

The measure of extreme force was taken after the meeting of the Confederal Central Committee at the historic headquarters on Azopardo Street, where all union sectors participated, from the most dialogue-oriented to the most oppositional.

The CGT general strike began at 12 (buses, trains and subways operated until 7 p.m. to facilitate the mobility of protesters) and the focus of the protest was an event in front of the Plaza de los Dos Congresos that began at 2:30 p.m. . A document was read and there were two speakers: the Cegetista co-owners Pablo Moyano (truck drivers) and Héctor Daer (Health). The mobilization included the participation of the two CTAs, social movements, political sectors (both Peronism and the left) and cultural representatives, among others.