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Politics Pablo Moyano warns that by the end of March or beginning of April the CGT could carry out the second general strike - Infobae

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Pablo Moyano warns that by the end of March or beginning of April the CGT could carry out the second general strike against the Milei Government - Infobae​



March 08, 2024

One of the leaders of the labor union assured that there is “growing social conflict” and that in the coming weeks there could be a new strike.

After the fastest general strike for a new Government that the CGT carried out on January 24, everything seems to indicate that the workers' center is preparing for a second strike, amid the fall in purchasing power and forceful measures that are coming. carrying out different guilds.

Pablo Moyano , one of the leaders of the CGT, warned today that a new general strike could take place towards the end of this month or the beginning of next, amid what he described as “ growing social conflict .”

“Each activity is defending its workers, that is why there are sectoral strikes such as aeronautics, railways, teachers. March is going to be a complicated month. Today there is going to be a massive women's march. On March 24, I think it will be one of the largest marches in recent years,” Moyano said.

The head of the Truckers union was asked on Radio 10 if this could lead to a general strike, to which he responded: “All of this is going to add to that social conflict so that at the end of March or beginning of April... surely The CGT has to think about some measure for that date .”

On January 24, in the middle of the discussion over the Omnibus Law and the DNU, the CGT carried out a general strike for 12 hours . The measure was carried out just 45 days after the inauguration of Javier Milei, in what was the fastest protest for a new president in Argentina.

Moyano insisted that different sectors are expressing their rejection of the Government's policies, and that this is reflected in the strikes and protests of different unions such as railway workers, teachers and the UOM. In addition, he warned about the lack of attendance at community kitchens and the Executive's attempt to restore the Income Tax.

Pablo Moyano warns of a new general strike. Photo: Telam

“Instead of moving forward, we go backwards. We were among those who most promoted the elimination of the fourth category of Profits. Now again the adjustment is paid by the workers, as are the retirees, the state workers. And on the other side, Paolo Rocca, the banks, the countryside, the mining companies continue to take it with a shovel,” he questioned.

On the other hand, Moyano referred to the lack of approval of the joint agreement that his union signed with the different business chambers of the transportation sector, and pointed directly to “a sector of Macriism”, the Minister of Economy, Luis “Toto” Caputo. , and the Chief of Staff, Nicolás Posse.

“15 days ago the agreement was signed with the three chambers, a 25% increase for March plus additional increases was agreed, but it has not yet been approved by the Government. There is part of the Macrism that has been taken by one of the chambers, Fadeac, through Mrs. Arieto, who has challenged this agreement. There are only three companies out of more than 15 thousand. The Government has seized on that and has not approved it yet. We hope that it is approved and, if not, there is no other way out than a general strike by Truckers or a large mobilization of the Ministry of Labor ,” explained Moyano.

And he added: “It is happening in all union organizations, train strikes, teachers, the UOM. They have a ceiling of 12 or 15%, which is ridiculous. They talk so much about freedom, but what the hell do Caputo or Posse have to get involved in an agreement between private parties?

Yesterday, the presidential spokesperson, Manuel Adorni, was consulted about this situation, and although he assured that for the Government "the joint ventures must be free, because they are an agreement between private parties," he spoke of "technical issues" regarding the conflict with Truckers who “the Secretary of Labor” had to explain.