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Politics Patagonian rebellion: Tierra del Fuego will paralyze oil production for a day and the governors will meet in CABA - Infobae


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Patagonian rebellion: Tierra del Fuego will paralyze oil production for a day and the governors will meet in CABA - Infobae



February 27, 2024

The meeting of the provincial leaders will be held this afternoon, to define measures within the framework of the confrontation between Casa Rosada and Chubut

The governor of Tierra del Fuego, Gustavo Melella, assured that he will paralyze oil production for a day in solidarity with Chubut

The escalation between the Nation and the Patagonian provinces will have a new chapter this Tuesday . The leaders of “ the united provinces of the south ” will meet today in the Senate to ratify their demand for a dialogue table with President Javier Milei and discuss the cuts in funds and subsidies. Meanwhile, Gustavo Melella ( Tierra del Fuego ) anticipated that he will interrupt oil production “for one day.”

The measure announced by the provincial leader is in line with the warning of his counterpart from Chubut, Ignacio “Nacho” Torres , who at the end of last week assured that if he does not receive the co-participating funds he will paralyze the shipment of oil and gas from his province. .

It is oil production that we are going to paralyze for a day .” What we ask of the national government is that it feels urgent with the governor of Chubut to try to resolve the situation,” Melella explained to the Télam agency .

If the cessation of hydrocarbon exploitation is finalized, the Patagonian rebellion will climb one step since the conflict broke out, after the Government decided to retain $13.5 billion of its co-participating funds. Before, other measures had already taken place that damaged the public treasury of the provinces, among them, the removal of the National Teacher Incentive Fund ( Fonid ) and the Public Transport Compensation Fund .

In the midst of this fight, the governors of the south will show a show of unity in Congress this afternoon and will attend the Senate in search of support from the opposition blocs. Then, led by Torres, Rolando Figueroa (Neuquén), Sergio Ziliotto (La Pampa), Claudio Vidal (Santa Cruz) and Alberto Weretilneck (Río Negro) will give a joint press. It will be at 5:00 p.m.

This conclave occurs before a group of senators asked the vice president of the Nation and head of the Upper House, Victoria Villarruel , to discuss the mega Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) 70/2023 , which dictated by the President last December and that deregulates the economy. This is a clear signal that, if the necessary votes are counted, to revoke the presidential measure in a context of absence of agreements between the ruling party and the opposition.

The removal of co-shareable funds from Chubut strained the relationship between the governor of Chubut, Nacho Torres, and president Javier Milei
Last Friday, after almost two months of the DNU being in force in some points, the Bicameral of Legislative Procedure was formed to deal with this matter. Villarruel twice ignored the same request made by the Unión por la Patria bloc, led by José Mayans from Formosa , but the Patagonian rebellion favors the formation of a majority in the upper house to disable
the decree.

In this context, Carlos Espinola (Corrientes), Edgardo Kueider (Between Rivers), Carlos Arce (Misiones), Sonia Rojas Decut (Misiones), Monica Silva (Black River), Jose Maria Carambia (Santa Cruz), Natalia Gadano (Santa Cruz). ) , Daniel Blanco (Tierra del Fuego ) and Alejandra Vigo (Córdoba) formalized a new request for Villarruel to open the debate.

Road to Court​

Meanwhile, the Government hopes to settle in court the open dispute with Ignacio Torres from Chubut because they consider that by not paying part of the provincial debt package contracted by Mariano Arcioni that scales to $119 billion, they chose to execute the guarantee via the cut of co-participating funds.

With an objective opposite to that of President Milei, the governor of Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillof , also decided to resort to judicial claims for the withdrawal of federal resources . “We exhausted administrative procedures and instructed the State Attorney of the province of Buenos Aires to initiate actions before the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation and provisionally restore the funds that were taken from us,” Kicillof said at a press conference about the recent elimination of the Fiscal Strengthening Fund for Buenos Aires.

The leader of Unión por la Patria (UxP) maintained that “we are facing a President who has decided to reconfigure a State, who steals the resources of the provinces.” “To be clear with this, they are not resources from either a governor or a government: they are from the people of the province of Buenos Aires,” Kicillof said.

The governors of the Patagonian rebellion: Alberto Weretilnek (Río Negro), Rolando Figueroa (Neuquén), Nacho Torres (Chubut), Sergio Ziliotto (La Pampa), Gustavo Melella (Tierra del Fuego)

Aligned with “Nacho” Torres, although with a more moderate position, the governor of Santa Cruz, Claudio Vidal , asked Milei to “call for dialogue” with the provincial leaders to resolve the conflict over the co-participating funds of Chubut.

“It took a lot to recover and sustain democracy. Society expressed itself democratically. A president voted and that president must finish his term. In the provinces, they voted for governors and those governors must finish their mandate. Mr. President: listen to the governors. Call for a dialogue table ,” asked the president.

The president of Neuquén, Rolando Figueroa , also followed this line , who supported the claim of his counterpart from Chubut, but when faced with the warning to cut off the supply of oil and gas, he countered that “the path is dialogue and the constitutional instances that give democracy".

"Producing generates added value for the different provinces, it generates work and, fundamentally, in this window of time that we have to be able to extract gas and oil, which is only 25 years, we have to be very coherent when it comes to being able to show ourselves to the world to continue attracting investments and continue providing legal security,” Figueroa warned at a press conference.

Meanwhile, Alberto Weretilneck, from Rio Negro , assured that “we should not expect anything from the Nation” and that the relationship between the provinces and the Executive “will not change.” “We are going to live like this for four years. We should not expect anything from the Nation and we will have to endure these four years, defending our interests and finding answers to the problems," he noted in a report to the Río Negro newspaper , in which he described Milei's management as " totally unprecedented” due to the “impossibility of dialogue and establishing links, beyond the defense of different interests.”

The truth is that Chubut toned down the threat to paralyze oil production . Vice Governor Gustavo Menna once again defended the province's position on Radio 10 by stating that he is not "claiming any gift or contribution from the Treasury", but rather that it is "co-participation that corresponds to him by his own right." However, he clarified that Torres' warning to “not deliver” oil and gas is “a shocking phrase that allows us to talk about this issue.”