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Politics Patricia Bullrich: “The strike shows the weakness of unionism in Argentina” - Infobae

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Patricia Bullrich: “The strike shows the weakness of unionism in Argentina” - Infobae​



May 10, 2024

The Minister of Security confirmed that the Government will initiate legal action due to the pressures during the strike

The Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich (AP)

After this Thursday's strike carried out by the General Confederation of Labor (CGT), Patricia Bullrich analyzed that the scope of the force measure demonstrated "the weakness of unionism." The Minister of Security confirmed that the National Government will initiate legal action for the pressures reported during the strike.

“The strike shows the total and absolute weakness of Argentine unionism . Only those who cannot go to work stop because they have no way to get there,” said Bullrich, pointing out that “in the interior of the country” and “in the towns where the distances are shorter, everyone went to work.”

Javier Milei's official targeted "mafioso and millionaire union members." "Who are they? Who do they represent? They only have the power to stop transport that they do by intimidating them,” she added, mentioning the cases of groups from the DOTA Group – who did not adhere to the measure of force – who were stoned yesterday morning.

In this context, Bullrich commented that the Ministry of Security received “between 7 in the morning and 5 in the afternoon 3,856 complaints, all of them about pressure . ” When consulted about it, she announced that this Friday the Government will “judicialize” them to “protect the people who denounced and so that they call the oppressors to testify . ”

In dialogue with LN+ , he analyzed that "with the Peronist governments (the unions) accommodate themselves, they accommodate the social works, that there are no sworn declarations of assets, that there is no labor reform even though there is more informal than formal employment, they receive a number of things and they protect themselves”, which is why they tend to confront more with non-Peronist administrations. He also pointed out that “there are many politicians who live off the union fund that is why they do not want a part of the labor reform” promoted by the ruling party. “They don't want to touch the box. There are deputies who lobby for the unions ,” he denounced.

Bullrich targeted Pablo Moyano and assured that the strike was "a disaster" (Photo: Télam)

In tune with the rest of the officials of La Libertad Avanza, Bullrich seeks to end the eternal mandates that persist in the majority of unions: “In Argentina there is no union democracy.” Such democracy “would imply the renewal of mandates, the transparency of union accounts, the sworn declaration that each union member must present, the separation of the public from the private,” he considered.

The Minister of Security also targeted Pablo Moyano, who after the strike this Thursday threatened with another mobilization when the Bases Law is discussed in the Senate: "Moyano is worried, the strike was a disaster."

She agreed with Milei and defined herself as a “Taliban”: “If you are not a Taliban, the CGT, the piqueteros, those who want to do business with the State, the corrupt will pass you by, so you have to be hard and concrete.”

On the other hand, he recognized the social unrest and that “it is difficult to make ends meet.” "But Argentines know that they are going through something that had to happen once in a lifetime, you couldn't continue printing banknotes and living off an illusion that made you increasingly poorer and that was actually a lie," he tried to justify.

“This government goes very fast in some things and in others less quickly, but this government is a car that has no reverse gear,” he summarized. “If we continue down this path, the 'change' will be irreversible because the mistakes of other moments in which Argentina had stability and spending again, the State grew, public spending increased... Now The line is clear: a smaller State, without deficit, without inflation, passing the money that the State previously spent to the private sector so that they grow and with that open to investments," he concluded.