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Politics Patricia Bullrich pointed out against the ruling that suspends the labor reform: “The rights of workers are not affected” - Infobae


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Patricia Bullrich pointed out against the ruling that suspends the labor reform: “The rights of workers are not affected” - Infobae



January 04, 2024

The Minister of Security said that the Labor Chamber “is taken” and that “they always rule in favor of union members.” She also questioned the national strike announced by the CGT for January 24.

28/12/2023 December 28, 2023, Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina: The current Minister of Security of the Nation, Patricia Bullrich, received Felix Diaz of the Qom community of the Province of Formosa, who momentarily lifted the camp that was for more than 3 years in Plaza de Mayo in front of Casa Rosada in order to be received by national officials of the previous government without success. The claim was for the decree 672/16, which gave them the opportunity to collaborate with the public policy of indigenous peoples of the country. Today they were received by officials of the current government, the Minister of Justice and Security of the City of Buenos Aires, Waldo Wolff, the Minister of Human Capital, Sandra Pettovello and the Minister of Public Space and Urban Hygiene, Ignacio Baistrocchi were present. In the photo: Patricia Bullrich, Minister of Security of the Nation. POLITICA Europa Press/Contacto/Esteban Osorio

Patricia Bullrich targeted the National Chamber of Labor after the ruling that suspends the .Javier Mileion deregulation of the economy that he presented weeks ago the president Decree of Necessity and Urgency included in the labor reforms.

Three weeks after the inauguration of the new government, the Minister of Security defended the adjustment, the DNU and the sending of the omnibus law to Congress: “This was the path, to produce a change that would be a shock that would move the stones on the path that Argentina has had for years and that prevents it from growing.”

However, the Executive Branch met this Wednesday with the Labor Court, which gave rise to a precautionary measure requested by the CGT regarding the controversial decree. “It is a public and well-known fact that workers are a socially vulnerable sector and that rights of a food nature are at stake - per se or through its derivatives -, I have no doubt that serious and objectively urgent circumstances have been established that justify the issuance of a precautionary measure suspending the applicability of the provisions of Title IV WORK of the Decree of Necessity and Urgency No. 70/23 until as long as a final ruling is made on the substantive issue raised in these proceedings (arg. art. 5, second paragraph of law 26854)”, stated the ruling of the Fair Room of the Chamber of Labor.

“It is not explained how the proposed reforms, if applied immediately and outside the normal process of enacting laws, could remedy the situation regarding job creation formal, especially when the decree itself recognizes that it has been stagnant for 12 years, which prevents - in principle - from considering the emergence of some sudden, unforeseeable or extreme 'exceptional' circumstance," they stated. the judges José Alejandro Sudera and Andrea García Vior.

In this context, Bullrich recalled his time at the Ministry of Labor during the government of Fernando De la Rúa and denounced that “the Chamber of Labor in 2000 was unbearable, the only thing there was was defense of particular interests.” . “All the rulings always came out in favor of one union member or another, it was never a true justice where things are analyzed objectively. "It's taken," he added.

Despite the precautionary measure, the Milei official emphasized that “the DNU is in force today”. “In the case of this brake on a party in a court that does not correspond, what can be analyzed? What do you not like about the reform? Labor justice has to say whether it is constitutional or not and begins to analyze something that has nothing to do with the matter,” she continued.

“The new compensation system can be taken or not, it depends on the collective agreements. "A system that is terrible for companies is ending, which is the system of misplaced fines that destroy companies every day and a situation of choice is created for workers regarding their money," he defended the reforms proposed in the decree. .

“What is the underlying criticism? The rights of workers are not affected. Argentina debates between having more capacity for individuals to define their lives than being prisoners of systems,” he added about the precautionary measure that was appealed by the National Government.

In dialogue with Todo Noticias (TN), Bullrich also pointed out against the General Confederation of Labor for the strike announced for next 24 January and warned that “the anti-picket protocol is permanent”: “It is not logical that on the 24th, which will be one month and 14 days into the government, they hold a national strike.”

“The country that needs to work, organize itself, that is fed up with the pressure of minorities calls for a general strike again after having been under the bed for four years in the government of Alberto Fernández, it is something that explains that the actions that are carried out have nothing to do with the objective of what is being discussed but with the fact that they do not govern,” he accused the labor union and demanded: “Enough of extortion of governability” . "Either they govern or they begin to generate systematic wear and tear with marches, strikes and mobilizations, people have to say 'enough'," he said.

Finally, she was consulted about the arrest of three people suspected of planning a terrorist attack in Argentina. He avoided giving precise information because “it is a matter that is under investigation, under summary secrecy,” but he added that it happened on Saturday and that there were three people who “came on different flights on the same day” and that “there was a reservation of a hotel near the Israeli Embassy.” “You have to be very careful, Israel and the United States were notified,” she concluded.