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Politics Peronism is preparing a strong mobilization in Congress for the day the Bases Law is voted on - Infobae

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Peronism is preparing a strong mobilization in Congress for the day the Bases Law is voted on - Infobae​



May 16, 2024

The different sides of the opposition coalition are driving the march to the Senate to reject the project and put pressure on legislators who still have doubts about their vote.

By Joaquín Múgica Díaz

The mayors and Kicillof's cabinet would be present at the march to Congress

Peronism is on the warpath against the Omnibus Law , which is being discussed in the plenary session of Senate committees, which still does not have an opinion and which has half a sanction due to the approval it had in the Chamber of Deputies a few days ago.

Although the project was shredded and cut by more than 50%, the opposition coalition has not given Javier Milei any room to negotiate a possible support. Quite the opposite. The opposition is increasingly tougher and the campaign to stop it is multiplying on social networks and the media.

This Thursday the ruling party will try to obtain a majority opinion that, a priori, seems very difficult to achieve. The dialogue opposition demands changes that the Government has not yet accepted linked to the Incentive Regime for Large Investments (RIGI), money laundering, the social monotax and the return of the Income Tax, which is becoming more and more complicated.

The Patagonian governors and the Peronists have already expressed their total rejection of the return of the tax, and did not budge in the face of the Casa Rosada's repeated requests. Furthermore, the Government faces a situation in which many opposition legislators do not respond directly to their governors and have their own leverage to negotiate. Thus he faces a fractured and complex scenario.

The meeting that took place on Wednesday between unions, social movements and human rights organizations

In this context, the different sides of Peronism are preparing a massive mobilization in front of Congress for the day the project is voted on . If the ruling party achieves a majority ruling, that day would be one of next week. Otherwise, the discussion would stretch until the last days of May or the beginning of June.

On Tuesday night the National Council of the Justicialista Party (PJ) called for demonstrations in the streets when the law is discussed. This party body includes representatives from all sectors of the opposition coalition, except the Renovador Front. In the force led by Sergio Massa there are still no definitions regarding whether they will march or not.

In an official statement they urged the senators to reject the bill and called on society to be part of the mobilization in Congress and the different main squares of the country. “There is no other position for a Peronist militant than the total rejection of this bill that seeks to turn Argentina into a colony ,” they indicated.

The message goes directly to some Peronist legislators such as Edgardo Kueider and Camau Espínola , who last year broke the Unión por la Patria (UP) bloc and forged a new alliance with Córdoba senator Alejandra Vigo, who will accompany the law. In the opposition coalition they exert pressure through all channels. The legislators who respond to Cristina Kirchner are channels of influence for the former president to try to stop the project.

La Cámpora will mobilize a large number of militants at the doors of Congress

If Peronism managed to avoid its approval, it would be left with a new political victory after stopping the sanction of the first project of more than 600 pages. This is what it points to, in addition to showing that, despite the differences that came to light, they can work together to form a powerful block in the legislative field.

The PJ Nacional meeting was not the only meeting that took place on Tuesday. At the Faculty of Social Sciences there was a meeting in which leaders of the CGT, the two CTA, the UTEP and the Human Rights Organizations participated. There a debate was generated about the impact of the Omnibus Law on society and it was decided to start organizing a march.

The leader of the Truckers union, Pablo Moyano , was there ; the general secretary of La Bancaria, Sergio Palazzo ; the head of UTEP, Alejandro “Peluca” Gramajo ; the general secretary of the Autonomous CTA, Hugo “Cachorro” Godoy ; and the secretary of ATE Capital, Daniel “Tano” Catalano , as well as members of Human Rights organizations. The Workers' CTA, led by Hugo Yasky , will also be present at the demonstration.

UTEP is in the process of organizing the mobilization

At that meeting it was decided to start a campaign to summon all the sectors that were harmed by the Government's economic policy, in order to give more volume and diversity to the mobilization. At the Faculty there were, for example, representatives of student and retiree groups, and presidents of neighborhood clubs.

The Frente Patria Grande, led by Juan Grabois, will be one of those mobilized, along with the Evita Movement and Barrios de Pie. The same thing happens with the political group La Patria es el Otro, led by Andrés “Cuervo” Larroque , one of the current main political swords of the governor of Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillof.

In La Plata they assure that it is likely that the president will join the mobilization. It wouldn't be strange. Until now he has been present in the strikes organized by the CGT, in the March 24 march and in the one that was held to demand cuts in the budgets of public universities. Kicillof always turned to the streets and this would not be an exception.

The Buenos Aires Minister of Public Works, Gabriel Katopodis , is one of the most active. On his social networks he started a campaign calling for a demonstration on voting day. He would be joined by several suburban mayors , who are waiting for a formal call from the PJ Bonaerense, led by Máximo Kirchner.

The meeting of the National Council of the PJ where it was decided to call for a massive mobilization

That institutional call will come sooner rather than later. Kirchner has already warned that La Cámpora “will mobilize everything possible” the day the project is discussed in the facility. The ambition is to fill the streets with militants and protesters, to show the firepower that Peronism continues to have in public spaces, where it seems very difficult for the Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich, to apply the anti-picketing protocol.

The mobilization that is being organized will serve as a meeting point for all Peronist terminals. This had not been the case in previous cases. This march will once again show them all united with the same objective. A rarity in this time where the force is going through a period of internal discussions and tensions linked to the reconstruction of the political structure.