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Politics Peronism warns that the food scandal hit the Government and a greater confrontation opens in Congress - Infobae

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Peronism warns that the food scandal hit the Government and a greater confrontation opens in Congress - Infobae​



June 06, 2024

In the opposition they associate Milei's latest movements with a change in strategy to contain damage. They believe that uncovering a possible act of corruption impacts trust in the ruling party

By Joaquín Múgica Díaz

For Peronism, the Government received the first strong blow since the administration began (Gustavo Gavotti)

The scandal over the distribution of food unleashed in the Ministry of Human Capital, led by Sandra Pettovello , and which led to the displacement of the Secretary for Children, Pablo De la Torre , in addition to the opening of a judicial case investigating the contracts generated with the Organization of Ibero-American States (OEI), generated the first significant internal conflict of the government of Javier Milei.

In the history of the controversial case there are chapters that deal with different topics. On the one hand, federal prosecutor Ramiro González opened a criminal case to investigate the hiring of personnel who work in Pettovello's super ministry. It is based on the complaint that the ministry itself made against De la Torre for alleged irregularities in hiring.

On the other hand, the Buenos Aires Federal Chamber confirmed the precautionary measure ordered by federal judge Sebastián Casanello that imposed the Ministry of Human Capital to report the stock of food stored in the Villa Martelli and Tucumán warehouses, in addition to announcing the delivery schedule.

In the last 72 hours, the Federal Justice found differences between what Pettovello's ministry officially reported about the amount and type of food it had in those warehouses and what there was. Food is missing and expired food was not in the place. Both judicial processes went through the Government because the scandal involves its own officials. The opposition is not involved in the middle.

One of the photos that the President uploaded to social networks after the half sanction on retirement mobility

Precisely in Peronism, the main opposition to the libertarian government, they believe that the positive halo that Milei had at the beginning of his administration began to suffer perforations. In political terms, under the shadow of off the record , the all-powerful and attractive figure of Milei “got the bullet . ” An expression that is often used in the microworld of politics when referring to the moment when a strong figure exposes a point of weakness.

“The last weeks of the Government were bad. They fired (Nicolás) Posse without saying anything, the food scandal broke out in Capital Humano, there was a gas shortage, the event on May 25 was a fiasco, the entire united opposition voted for retirement mobility and there was a drop in bonuses and increase in financial dollars,” was the detailed portrait made by an important leader of Unión por la Patria.

Milei's latest movements were interpreted in Peronism as part of a strategy to recover the political initiative in the middle of a week of bad news. What she did? She returned to lead a Cabinet meeting after several in which she was not present, appeared unexpectedly to speak with the accredited journalists of the Casa Rosada - smiles and chicanes in between - and strongly supported the ministers Pettovello and Caputo. The best ministers in history, according to the President.

He also sought to be more empathetic with people. He went out to greet the balcony of the Casa Rosada, then went down to shake hands with kids from a school who were at the door of Balcarce 50 and reaffirmed his fight with the “caste” on social networks, by assuring that he will veto the law of retirement mobility that received half a sanction in the Lower House. After two weeks of traveling through Spain, the United States and El Salvador, he once again intervened in the domestic agenda, opening new fronts of discussion.

Mayra Mendoza responded harshly to Javier Milei's accusation about Máximo Kirchner

Peronists believe that, to a large extent, all these movements reveal an adverse result of the government's actions in recent days. “He came out the way he did because he realized that the different sources of conflict were harming the Government ,” said a current Peronist official. They understand that he is containing damage with a new advance against the opposition, without giving explanations about the food case and being proactive.

In the early hours of Wednesday, Milei saw how a large part of the opposition agreed to have a new retirement mobility, with a higher increase than the Government had given by decree. At 1:30 in the morning, when the deputies gave half-sanction to the bill, the President once again assured what he had already anticipated: if the law is approved, he will veto it.

This announcement is a preview of a new scenario of tension in Congress. A dialectical battle that has already begun and in which the entire opposition is included. Yesterday morning, the head of state uploaded a new message to his networks against the opposition blocs that supported the initiative, and blamed them for wanting to degrade the Government's economic plan. He accompanied the post with an image of a lion protecting a box with dollars and several rats trying to get them out. A new aggressive and disqualifying message for legislators from across the opposition spectrum.

Later, the Office of the Presidency issued a statement in which they confirmed that the President “will present to the ANSES his decision not to exercise the right to privileged retirement.” And they added: “This administration regrets that well-intentioned deputies participated in Máximo Kirchner's legislative trap , and reiterates its unwavering decision to maintain fiscal balance using all the tools provided by the National Constitution, including the veto, if necessary.”

Javier Milei repeatedly supported the Minister of Human Capital, Sandra Pettovello
The leader of La Cámpora preferred not to express himself in public but from those around him they issued a response. “We worked with other groups to improve the retirement of millions of Argentines. The President has a distorted view of Congress. There was no trick, there was joint work to improve the situation of millions of compatriots ,” they indicated. Both Kirchnerism and other opposition blocs know that if the President does not stop criticism of them, the level of confrontation will increase.

The mayor of Quilmes, Mayra Mendoza , stood up to the criticism. “President, it is very important to respect the electoral contract. You said during the campaign that the adjustment would be paid for by the caste, so either the retirees are caste or you lied. Stop irresponsibly singling out opposition leaders to generate violence against them and dedicate yourself to governing , which you greatly need. “She has a few problems to solve before attacking what a legislative majority that she doesn't like decides,” she wrote on her social networks.

In any case, the conflict that most impacts the Government's management is that of food distribution. Milei said in the last hours that “no food arrived late . ” A strange statement, taking into account that it was the federal justice, in the order of Judge Casanello, that required the Government to make a detail of the stock of stored food and to distribute it urgently because there were some with short expiration dates. term. Request that was coupled with the claim of the Catholic Church and the complaint of Juan Grabois, about the existence of these foods and the need for them to be distributed in a country with 55% poor, in the midst of an economic crisis and with a deepening recession.

The Ad hoc consultancy analyzes, in detail, the digital conversation of Argentines on political issues. What people say on social networks about the most important political events. This week they published a report, along with a graph, in which the conversation on networks about the lack of food delivery was at the peak of mentions. “In the last 10 days, 513 thousand users generated 870 thousand publications, which makes it a massive topic,” they indicated.


The analysis made by the Ad Hoc consultancy in the digital conversation of the food scandal
Javier Correa , director of the consulting firm, stated that “the negative and unelected agenda of the Government” begins to appear more repeatedly , which exposes the lack of control of the Casa Rosada over the official story and what is replicated in the digital world, the ocean in which libertarians move with security and comfort.

“We recorded that there are three events that have come together negatively in recent times. Milei's failed salary increase, the march for the university budget and the food scandal in Capital Humano. They are massive and negative issues for the Government . The event at Luna Park, which was positive for Milei, had a 17% lower conversation volume on the topic of food and dining rooms,” Correa said in dialogue with Infobae.

In Peronism there are those who believe that there is an erroneous interpretation about the support for Milei indicated in the polls. A leader with a political career in world K exemplified it in a definition: “50% of the people bank it. The other 50%, no. Why is the 50% that supports it worth more? They are equal. With the difference that he is in decline after six months of administration.” A similar idea, but without that specific data, was proposed by Cristina Kirchner a month ago.

The feeling that runs through the opposition political force is that, for the first time since the beginning of the administration, and after countless controversial and aggressive expressions, the food scandal will have an impact on the electorate's consideration and confidence in the Milei figure. Because? Because there is an indication of a case of corruption at the heart of the Government.