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Politics Peronism's claim to the deputies who missed the special session: “They are behind the curtains negotiating” - Infobae

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Peronism's claim to the deputies who missed the special session: “They are behind the curtains negotiating” - Infobae​



April 24, 2024

Given the impossibility of achieving a quorum, the head of the caucus, Germán Martínez, called them “irresponsible” for being absent to debate retirements and the university budget. Complaints against Martín Menem for breaking a legislative tradition

Deputy Germán Martínez protested against the legislators who were absent from the special session to debate retirement mobility, the increase in the university budget and the FONID (NA Photo File: Mariano Sánchez)

The special session requested by Unión por la Patria (UP) to address the budgetary emergency of national public universities , retirement mobility and the reestablishment of the National Teaching Incentive Fund (FONID) failed this morning after the 129 legislators were not reached necessary to achieve a quorum.

After the session fell, the head of the UP bloc, Germán Martínez , took the floor at the time of the minority expressions and harshly questioned the “ irresponsibility ” of his colleagues from other opposition spaces, who failed to attend the call of the Chamber of Deputies after the massive mobilization in the country in defense of the public university. Specifically, he accused them of “ negotiating with the power in power ” while the fate of the “Bases law” and the fiscal package sent by the Executive Branch are being resolved.

“The entire university community that gathered yesterday in a truly historic and massive march needed an expression from the campus proportional to the magnitude of that call. Some understood the meaning of what was expressed. Others, unfortunately, continue to choose to be in hiding, behind the curtains in dark offices negotiating with the power in power, instead of sitting here assuming the agenda that the Argentine people need ,” said the Santa Fe deputy.

Martínez recalled that the proposed call aims to express a “huge number of issues that are part of the daily agenda of millions of Argentines that some do not want to see,” which in addition to the university budget includes the situation of thousands of teachers in the country, who “ They ask for restitution of the FONID eliminated by President Milei, and which allows between 11 and 14% to see an increase in the pocketbook”, or the issue linked to retirement benefits .

However, he attributed the failure of the legislative session to the conversations that exist between the Government and the opposition sectors.

“At this moment there are negotiations between different blocks around the so-called Base Law and the fiscal package, including the new developments that can be introduced quickly and almost without being noticed, such as the labor reform. “To think that Argentina, with all the diversity it has, is condemned to have a monochrome agenda – which is what La Libertad Avanza and President Milei express – is a mistake ,” the Peronist deputy complained.

The federal university march from the Infobae drone

And he continued, in a clear questioning of opposition legislators who were in favor of the increase in retirements and the university demand. “ Not having had a quorum, having arrived late or not having come is an irresponsibility of the deputies who have the obligation to represent 100% of the concerns of Argentines.”

The opposition was 5 deputies away from opening the session this morning. At 11:31, with 124 deputies present in their seats, the president of the Chamber, Martín Menem , ended the waiting time for the debate to begin, and opened an instance for minority expressions.

In addition to the deputies from Unión por la Patria, the legislators from the Left-Unity Front and a group of 14 legislators from the UCR provided support for the quorum. The radicalism sector that attended was made up of Facundo Manes, Pablo Juliano, Pedro Galimberti, Marcela Coli, Fernando Carbajal, Jorge Rizzotti, Natalia Sarapura, Manuel Aguirre, Carla Carrizo, Marcela Antola, Melina Giorgi, Danya Tavela, Mariela Coletta and Favio Quetglas . Gabriela Brouwer de Koning was also in the session , who entered the venue after Menem ended the session.

In total, Manes' group contributed 8 deputies; Evolution added 5 seats and Brouwer. And Quetglas was added, which responds to Maximiliano Abad . These are, in general, references associated with the university and scientific world. For We Make the Federal Coalition (HCF) there were Natalia de la Sota and the socialists Mónica Fein and Esteban Paulón , but Margarita Stolbizer was missing . The two Santa Cruz residents from Por Santa Cruz, Sergio Acevedo and José Luis Garrido, also attended .

Facundo Manes, one of the UCR deputies attended the special session (Télam)
In a passing comment, Germán Martínez complained that in the session that HCF requested to address the retirement issue, 98.5% of the UP bloc attended to achieve the majority. He also pointed out against the deputy José Luis Espert - against whom he anticipated that they will present a question of privilege in the next session - for not convening the Budget Commission to discuss the issue.

The person who also received a complaint was the president of the body, Martín Menem. The Unión por la Patria and FIT-U bloc denounced that a parliamentary tradition of granting 15 additional minutes to achieve a quorum was violated, after the regulatory time had expired. The parliamentary secretary of UP, Paula Penacca , spoke along those lines, having requested that the waiting time be extended until 11:45. The same did the deputy Nicolás del Caño , Mónica Litza and Aldo Leiva . Carolina Gaillard also recalled that since 2009 it was never again respected to limit the wait to just half an hour. “That was respected by all the presidents who preceded him, and it is right in that this city is very chaotic and difficult to get to,” she said.

But Menem did not comply with the requests and limited himself to stating that “complying with the regulations is what I have been entrusted with.” “When arbitrariness is always used in one sense, it later turns against yourselves,” Martínez warned about that legislative aspect.

There is a plan for this facility to always be closed , except when libertarians request it. We have to have a gesture of institutional rebellion ; We have to have the necessary courage to be able to call on others, without political affiliations, but with a clear republican conception that we want this venue to be open to defend the interests of the Argentine Republic. It doesn't matter who they voted for. Let us continue to generate the conditions so that Argentines have here, in this room, the answers we are looking for,” concluded the head of the Peronist bloc at the close of his intervention.