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Pettovello denting Milei's approval ratings


Well-known member
Why don't you all think that Milei doesn't fire Pettovello? She has made many mistakes and people clearly don't like her. Why keep her in his administration? It's time to get rid of her.

Why don't you all think that Milei doesn't fire Pettovello? She has made many mistakes and people clearly don't like her. Why keep her in his administration? It's time to get rid of her.

Well Milei seems to be a loyal guy so he might just be showing his loyalty to her. Agree there were some monumental mistakes but things are just inefficient in Argentina. It can't be too easy doing everything perfectly.
And she also says that she doesn't resign because she doesn't want to leave him alone, maybe the problem was trusting that her team was doing a job and it wasn't. I think it's good that she resists next to Milei.

Concern about resignations at the Ministry of Human Capital, the big problem is the slow execution of the budget allocated to the ministry, especially in Education. This alarms those who are trying to manage well with the little they have.

This ministry is facing a lot of problems. I hope Pettovello doesn't let Milei down. With an open case against her and several resignations due to poor management in the sector, the outlook doesn’t look promising.
