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Politics Piqueteros and social movements begin today a unified plan of struggle against the Milei government - Infobae


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Piqueteros and social movements begin today a unified plan of struggle against the Milei government - Infobae



February 23, 2024

They will demonstrate in front of the Ministry of Human Capital and Sandra Pettovello's office. They request food and an increase in social plans. It will end with a rally in front of Plaza de Mayo. “We are going to tear down the adjustment,” they promise

by Andres Klipphan

Piqueteros will march to the Ministry of Human Capital

Today's rally at 10 in the morning in front of the Ministry of Human Capital will be the first measure against the government of Javier Milei in which the social organizations grouped in the Union Workers of the Popular Economy (UTEP) and the Piquetera Unit, decided “unite” to “confront until the adjustment plan is overthrown” by Javier Milei ; and to claim food for community kitchens. There will also be cuts in 500 points in the country and they will do so on national routes in an open challenge to the Anti-Picket Protocol of the Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich .

The display of unity between the social organizations that make up Unión por la Patria and the left, such as the Polo Obrero, was interpreted in the Casa Rosada as a clear political signal from the most radicalized opposition sectors that converge on several points: the lack of food in the 44 thousand soup kitchens that have not received assistance since November 2023; the progress in some audits of social programs that have been managed by social leaders during the administration of Alberto Fernández, such as Potenciar Trabajo, which, from the Secretariat of Social Economy, was administered by Emilio Pérsico , leader of the Evita Movement; and end the withdrawal of social programs, such as Promoting Work with the Minimum Living and Mobile Wage.

Minister Sandra Pettovello, in response to one of the "empty pots" demonstrations, promised to write them down on a list to send them "direct assistance."

Through an internal audit, Minister Sandra Pettovello determined, for example, that the responsible picketers and social activists did not determine the destination of 80% of the solid food that was delivered during the previous government to be distributed in their dining rooms and picnic areas. The report reveals that “ traceability ” of these foods was lost, that is, it is unknown how many people they reached and where they were distributed.

Yesterday, through a press conference held at the Buenos Aires Obelisk, the social and left-wing leaders announced the plan of struggle that will begin today "with 500 cuts throughout the country and a central mobilization measure to the offices of the Minister of Human Capital, Sandra Pettovello -on Juncal Street in Recoleta-. And then it will continue with progressive measures , such as mobilizations and access cuts, throughout the country.”

The agreement to promote a joint fight plan was defined this week , with the presence of the majority of the organizations that are part of the UTEP. During the administration of Alberto Fernández, these groups avoided mobilizing their structure during the four years of the Frente de Todos. This was not the case of Unidad Piquetera, which constantly called for street blockades on 9 de Julio and accesses against the former Ministers of Social Development, Daniel Arroyo , Juan Zabaleta and Victoria Tolosa Paz .

Piqueteros and social movements will demonstrate due to the lack of food in school cafeterias

The government adds fuel to the fire against the most impoverished neighborhoods, and after eliminating food for soup kitchens, it is now discussing ending the attachment of social programs to a minimum wage of misery, which does not even reach 200 thousand pesos. ”, stated the organizers of the protest through a statement.

"From the front of the struggle we denounce that Milei's policy is a true social massacre , where millions of families in the most impoverished neighborhoods of the country are being deprived of their only livelihood by closing the organizations' canteens and liquidating the purchasing power of the social programs. "In addition to the layoffs, salary reductions, high tariffs and the attack on education and public health, this blow seeks to dismantle the organizations that support thousands of cafeterias and picnic areas throughout the country every day."

While this dispute develops in the street, and the promise of unity between picketers and the UTEP promises to lead to a large mobilization of 100 thousand people in Plaza de Mayo , Minister Pettovello, who under her portfolio manages the former Ministry of Social Development, transformed into the Secretariat of Children, Adolescence and Family, it renewed agreements to deliver food to the Cáritas Argentina canteens, for 310 million pesos; and the Christian Alliance of Evangelical Churches of Argentina (ACIERA). She also signed an agreement for 20 billion pesos for the purchase of 5 million units of food with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the Organization of Ibero-American States for Education, Science and Culture ( OEI); within the framework of the expansion of the Community Approach Program.

Alejandro Gramajo, general secretary of the UTEP, together with the picketers, calls for a new general strike of the CGT (Source)

At yesterday's press conference, Eduardo Belliboni , leader of the Polo Obrero, assured that the Government of La Libertad Avanza decided to “close the soup kitchens by political decision because there is a saving there of 150 billion pesos ” and he said that this adjustment is which allows the Minister of Economy, Luis “Toto” Caputo, “to talk about fiscal balance.”

In dialogue with this medium, Alejandro “Peluca” Gramajo, general secretary of the UTEP, recalled that the lack of social assistance to the soup kitchens where vulnerable sectors attend happens concomitantly “with a poverty rate of almost 60%, an inflation of 20.6% monthly and a liquefaction of purchasing power in the face of brutal increases in food, transportation, medicine and rent.” Gramajo said that within this context “the government decides to eliminate the last barrier of containment that the most impoverished families have, food assistance.”

Among the organizations that begin today the unified struggle plan highlights the Evita Movement, La Corriente Clasista y Combativa, the Polo Obrero, the Front of Organizations in Struggle, Somos/Barrios de Pie, Libres del Sur, the Popular Front Darío Santillán, the National Piqueteros Block and the Movement of Excluded Workers.

“After months of trying to dialogue with the Minister of Human Capital Sandra Pettovello in search of some type of response that never came, social organizations as a whole are starting a fight plan throughout the country,” they announced.