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Politics Praise from the United States for the reforms promoted by Milei: “They generate optimism in companies” - Infobae

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Praise from the United States for the reforms promoted by Milei: “They generate optimism in companies” - Infobae​



May 24, 2024

This was stated by the Charge d'Affaires of the US Embassy, Abigail Dressel. She noted that “a legal and regulatory framework is needed that provides a predictable investment climate.” And she described the arrival of the aircraft carrier George Washington as a “historic” event.

By Facundo Chaves

President Javier Milei launched a series of economic reforms that were praised by the United States (photo Franco Fafasuli)

The Charge d'Affaires of the United States Embassy in Argentina, Abigail Dressel , stated that the economic reforms launched by President Javier Milei "generate optimism" in the business community of her country and highlighted the need to have "a legal and regulatory that provides a predictable investment climate.”

Dressel spoke at a conference organized by the Center for American Studies (CEA), headed by Luis Savino, who mentioned that “never before in the history of relations between the United States and Argentina was such a deep intensity seen in the bilateral bond as the that happens these days.” At the meeting, which took place at the Argentine Center of Engineers and in which Infobae participated , the diplomat offered a presentation that addressed various areas of bilateral interest, from trade relations, foreign policy and cooperation in various areas.

The framework of his presentation was given by the new stage that opened in the link between Argentina and the United States with the arrival of Milei to the presidency of the Nation. The vice head of the diplomatic mission headed by Ambassador Marc Stanley highlighted the results of last week's meeting between Foreign Minister Diana Mondino with the US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, and with the National Security Advisor, Jake Sullivan, among other senior officials who received her in Washington.

The Charge d'Affaires of the US Embassy, Abigail Dressel, and the head of the Center for American Studies, Luis Savino

In this regard, he highlighted that Secretary Blinken “praised Argentina's leadership in terms of its commitment to Ukraine” and that “both reaffirmed their intention to maintain a dialogue on energy security and Argentina's incorporation into the Mineral Security Partnership Forum.” ”. “All these commitments to continue increasing cooperation remind me of the deep historical ties and shared values that underpin our relationship. A relationship that is now more than 200 years old, a partnership built on mutual respect, democratic principles and the commitment to improving the lives of our people,” he considered.

The vice chief of mission highlighted that Secretary Blinken noted last week that “we will soon launch a high-level dialogue over the next year. This dialogue reflects our strong and growing relationship on a wide range of issues: democracy, human rights, economic stability and growth, science and technology, and cultural and educational cooperation, among many others. It is a dialogue that will complement and create a framework for our powerful alliance that contributes to global peace and development.”

In addition, Dressel referred to the arrival of the George Washington aircraft carrier that will take place last week and that is positioned as a new example of the United States of harmony between both governments. “It is going to be a historic visit,” the official said in response to an Infobae query and added: “This visit, like the visit we recently had from the Coast Guard, represents how strong the relationship is. “It is a symbol of that relationship and the importance that we and the Argentine government also give to that relationship.”

The aircraft carrier George Washington will be arriving in the Argentine Sea next week

Key definitions​

Regarding the statements made at the exhibition, Abigail Dressel stated that “ in the economic sphere, the reforms underway generate optimism among American companies, although many will wait to see more results before changing course. A legal and regulatory framework is needed that provides a predictable investment climate ,” Abigail Dressel stated in her keynote address to foreign affairs experts, academics, judges and journalists.

The Chargé d'Affaires highlighted that, “when talking to American companies, they currently feel that there is positive progress, but today there are some obstacles. For example, the Government often says that it wants to lift the restrictions and foreign companies also want them to be lifted. That, obviously, is a barrier,” said the diplomat at the Argentine Center of Engineers.

Although he admitted that Javier Milei's government "cannot change things immediately, it does feel that there is progress and that there are positive steps."

“The Government has recognized that there are reforms that have to be made, that they are doing so, but there will not be immediate results. Yes, inflation has gone down and there are some positive indicators, but it is a process that is not going to be immediate and American companies see it this way as well. In fact, most American companies have been in Argentina for a long time and have a long-term commitment,” he assured.

And he recalled that Secretary Blinken made the same proposal when he met with Chancellor Mondino: “We applaud the difficult reforms and we know that there is still a way to go in terms of reforms.”

The chargé d'affaires also declared herself “very proud of a recent memorandum of intent signed between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Argentina and the Department of State of the United States on cooperation to promote equity and inclusion” since it represents “a symbol of our shared belief in the protection of human rights and the creation of a more just and inclusive society.”

Defense and Antarctica​

The president of Argentina, Javier Milei, and the commander of the United States Southern Command, Laura Richardson, along with the United States ambassador to Argentina, Marc Stanley, and the Argentine Minister of Defense, Luis Petri. (photo Presidency of Argentina)
The Charge d'Affaires of the US Embassy stated that they have "great interest in cooperating with Argentina in the Antarctic area" and clarified that her country, directly or through its companies, is not building a multimodal base in Tierra del Fuego, a version that had emerged with the arrival of the head of the Southern Command, General Laura Richardson.

“Our dialogue obviously recognizes Argentina's strategic position in relation to Antarctica and we cooperate on several things, and we have a fairly fluid dialogue in this area. We are interested in that area because it is strategic since if the Panama Canal is cut, how are ships going to pass through the region? (Richardson) has to think about those strategic issues and strengthen relevant relationships. “Both Chile and Argentina are at the tip of the continent,” he stated.

In that sense, he considered that “despite the geopolitical, strategic part, we have many Americans who are traveling to Antarctica. The number of Americans who go on cruises, who go tourism, is impressive. “We have several geopolitical interests, but we also have to take care of the North American citizens who are visiting for tourism.”

Finally, Abigail Dressel highlighted the purchase of F-16 aircraft from Denmark “as it represents a great step to modernize the Argentine Armed Forces, defend Argentine interests and increase interoperability with the main NATO democracies.”

“In recent years, our collaboration has grown even stronger, driven by our joint efforts to address global challenges and foster sustainable development. “Throughout the years and different governments, the United States has maintained solid cooperation with Argentina.”