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President Javier Milei gets the highest approval rating of ANY President in the history of Argentina

Those numbers look accurate. He's had a positive approval rating of 58% or so and it doesn't look like it's falling. There will probably always be around 30% of the population that no matter what happens, they will answer back negatively. Milei could turn the economy around, salaries could go up, poverty could go down, crime go down, inflation drastically go down and they would still vote negative.

His approval ratings have to rank as some of the highest not just in Argentina but around the world. There is a high level of dissatisfaction with world leaders right now. I've had the pleasure of meeting him a few times. He is a very smart guy. Some of the things he is accomplishing in a short amount of time are impressive. Not to say he is doing everything perfectly because he isn't.
Those numbers look accurate. He's had a positive approval rating of 58% or so and it doesn't look like it's falling. There will probably always be around 30% of the population that no matter what happens, they will answer back negatively. Milei could turn the economy around, salaries could go up, poverty could go down, crime go down, inflation drastically go down and they would still vote negative.

His approval ratings have to rank as some of the highest not just in Argentina but around the world. There is a high level of dissatisfaction with world leaders right now. I've had the pleasure of meeting him a few times. He is a very smart guy. Some of the things he is accomplishing in a short amount of time are impressive. Not to say he is doing everything perfectly because he isn't.
I agree with you. I flat out ask some friends that always complain about him what success would look like with him. They answer things that are unrealistic. They want it to be really cheap and affordable. They want to pay next to nothing for healthcare, utility rates, public transportation, food and at the same time they don't want to pay any taxes, they want to make a lot of money, etc.

I just laugh. I ask them what they would do differently to solve Argentina's problems and they can't provide any answer what they would do. You are probably right @earlyretirement that a certain segment of the population. Probably at least 25% will vote against him no matter what. That is sad to me.
It's interesting Cristina's 20% as well. She always been around 35% and it looks like Milei stole a big portion of her followers specially the low class people that would usually follow her no matter what.
It's interesting Cristina's 20% as well. She always been around 35% and it looks like Milei stole a big portion of her followers specially the low class people that would usually follow her no matter what.
Exactly. I never thought I'd live to see the day when that happened. I think her reign is finally over. As you mentioned @enbits, the poor lower class has always worshipped her or at least she would bribe them but I think all these scandals that Milei's administration are uncovering are finally making them realize that that is not a long-term path for their kids.

Now that inflation is going down there seems to be hope.