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President Milei has now traveled 20% of his entire Presidency in other countries

The president is the representative of the country to the rest of the world, I prefer a president doing this rather than staying all the time in the country drinking champagne in Olivos and 'playing' with girls or meeting with Maduro or having Zoom calls with Putin. And I prefer spending money on this rather than spending it on corruption or on L-Gante singing the national anthem.
The president is the representative of the country to the rest of the world, I prefer a president doing this rather than staying all the time in the country drinking champagne in Olivos and 'playing' with girls or meeting with Maduro or having Zoom calls with Putin. And I prefer spending money on this rather than spending it on corruption or on L-Gante singing the national anthem.
No hay plata. Who is to say he isn't drinking champagne in Olivos. I'm sure that goes on as well. Actions speak louder than words. You aren't even living in Argentina. I read your post you escaped to some other country so you probably don't know how bad things have become in Buenos Aires.
No hay plata. Who is to say he isn't drinking champagne in Olivos. I'm sure that goes on as well. Actions speak louder than words. You aren't even living in Argentina. I read your post you escaped to some other country so you probably don't know how bad things have become in Buenos Aires.
I go ocassionaly and I had to leave not because of Milei but because of almost 20 years of Kircherismo on my back.
I go ocassionaly and I had to leave not because of Milei but because of almost 20 years of Kircherismo on my back.
I have many friends in the same situation. @enbits what would it take to get you to move back to Argentina? I ask my friends that have left Argentina this all the time. Some tell me they need to see inflation totally tamed but want to see how Milei does by the end of this year. They also want to see how safety and crime are. No doubt it has gone up tremendously.
I have many friends in the same situation. @enbits what would it take to get you to move back to Argentina? I ask my friends that have left Argentina this all the time. Some tell me they need to see inflation totally tamed but want to see how Milei does by the end of this year. They also want to see how safety and crime are. No doubt it has gone up tremendously.
No more cepo cambiario but for good not just 4 years and low inflation. Basically what 95% of the world already has, not asking too much XD.
No more cepo cambiario but for good not just 4 years and low inflation. Basically what 95% of the world already has, not asking too much XD.
No, you're not asking too much. :p I would love to see that here in Argentina. Heck I would settle just to see the CEPO end but probably won't happen until next year. I guess you'd have to define "low inflation". Argentina's definition of "low inflation" probably is different to the rest of the world.
No, you're not asking too much. :p I would love to see that here in Argentina. Heck I would settle just to see the CEPO end but probably won't happen until next year. I guess you'd have to define "low inflation". Argentina's definition of "low inflation" probably is different to the rest of the world.
I waited 10 years so I don't mind waiting one more year. And by low inflation I mean 21st century standard low inflation, I mean inflation is something that the world has solved decades ago.
I waited 10 years so I don't mind waiting one more year. And by low inflation I mean 21st century standard low inflation, I mean inflation is something that the world has solved decades ago.
Very true. I was telling my friend how great this President is doing and how he has improved inflation. Most of my friends don't know anything at all about Argentina. I was telling them it's down to 5% a month and they laughed at me and looked at me like I was crazy. I told them it was 300% a year. Most people outside of Argentina can't comprehend how screwed up of a country it is.

I am not sure if Argentina will experience the kind of low inflation like most first world countries have.
I waited 10 years so I don't mind waiting one more year. And by low inflation I mean 21st century standard low inflation, I mean inflation is something that the world has solved decades ago.
I lived in Argentina over 20 years ago. I'm not sure Argentina will reach "normal" inflation for quite some time. Just read that Argentina spent about $350,000 USD to send Milei and his sister to the Olympics. Not sure that is a good use of money.
I lived in Argentina over 20 years ago. I'm not sure Argentina will reach "normal" inflation for quite some time. Just read that Argentina spent about $350,000 USD to send Milei and his sister to the Olympics. Not sure that is a good use of money.

That is nothing compared to what previous governments spended on:

like a huge debt with a money printing company (!) or the US$ 16.000 millions of compensation to YPF that we have to pay thanks to Kicciloff or the misuse of the presidential plane so Cristina Kirchner could get the newspapers in her patagonian residence or take his son the the hospital (?) or the money misspent on subjects like Grabois, Belliboni, Persico, etc. I can continue all day with this....
That is nothing compared to what previous governments spended on:

like a huge debt with a money printing company (!) or the US$ 16.000 millions of compensation to YPF that we have to pay thanks to Kicciloff or the misuse of the presidential plane so Cristina Kirchner could get the newspapers in her patagonian residence or take his son the the hospital (?) or the money misspent on subjects like Grabois, Belliboni, Persico, etc. I can continue all day with this....

But what hope do you really have if people elect Kiciloff for Governor of Buenos Aires? I agree he made a big mistake with YPF but people still elected him as Governor.
But what hope do you really have if people elect Kiciloff for Governor of Buenos Aires? I agree he made a big mistake with YPF but people still elected him as Governor.

tldr; I don't think Kichilof will win the next one.

The hope that I have is that now there are no intermediares between the government and those in need, they get the money directly so there's less posibility of extorsion during elections. Also there's a new law in discussion about having a single unified voting ballot that will not only save millions of dollars but will also prevent specualtion from the political parties.
But what hope do you really have if people elect Kiciloff for Governor of Buenos Aires? I agree he made a big mistake with YPF but people still elected him as Governor.
This is a good point about Axel Kicilloff. With the population equally split the reality sounds like if things don't go as planned by next year with Milei, a guy like Kickoff could still be president after Milei and we're back to square 1.
This is a good point about Axel Kicilloff. With the population equally split the reality sounds like if things don't go as planned by next year with Milei, a guy like Kickoff could still be president after Milei and we're back to square 1.
That would really be a nightmare!
tldr; I don't think Kichilof will win the next one.

The hope that I have is that now there are no intermediares between the government and those in need, they get the money directly so there's less posibility of extorsion during elections. Also there's a new law in discussion about having a single unified voting ballot that will not only save millions of dollars but will also prevent specualtion from the political parties.
I really hope not. But in studying Argentina a little bit it sounds like you can't count out Peronism.
I waited 10 years so I don't mind waiting one more year. And by low inflation I mean 21st century standard low inflation, I mean inflation is something that the world has solved decades ago.
This is the same thing my girlfriend's friends that left Argentina say. Low inflation, getting rid of CEPO and higher salaries. For Argentina this sounds like it's not going to be easy. I was watching some YouTube videos of that American that moved here with his family and is saying how Argentina is the greatest country on the planet and my girlfriend's dad was laughing saying he doesn't understand Argentina at all. He is advising other Americans and Canadians to leave those countries and move to Argentina.

He was just laughing because that American couldn't even speak Spanish and it was obvious that he just got here, had young kids and just kept saying how great it was here but he wasn't posting about any of the hardships at all, CEPO, high taxes, extremely high inflation, extremely high poverty rates, low salaries, high unemployment, high prices for grocery and other items, poor education system in public schools, crime and a million other issues.

I thought about it and he is absolutely correct. He was saying if the guy posted some realistic issues locals are facing, people wouldn't be so quick to think everything is perfect here.
This is the same thing my girlfriend's friends that left Argentina say. Low inflation, getting rid of CEPO and higher salaries. For Argentina this sounds like it's not going to be easy. I was watching some YouTube videos of that American that moved here with his family and is saying how Argentina is the greatest country on the planet and my girlfriend's dad was laughing saying he doesn't understand Argentina at all. He is advising other Americans and Canadians to leave those countries and move to Argentina.

He was just laughing because that American couldn't even speak Spanish and it was obvious that he just got here, had young kids and just kept saying how great it was here but he wasn't posting about any of the hardships at all, CEPO, high taxes, extremely high inflation, extremely high poverty rates, low salaries, high unemployment, high prices for grocery and other items, poor education system in public schools, crime and a million other issues.

I thought about it and he is absolutely correct. He was saying if the guy posted some realistic issues locals are facing, people wouldn't be so quick to think everything is perfect here.
If you have USD savings in the bank and have a lot of money and do not depend on making money here it is easier but 99% of locals aren't in this situation. I watched some videos and it seems this ex police officer does not have much money. So probably like many other expats that come to Argentina they will leave soon when they see all the problems my country has. I know one American that moved here with young kids. Their PH got broken into and their car they bought got robbed with broken windows and tires stolen 2 times. They moved back home in less than 1 year.