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Real Estate Sales Prices and neighborhoods with the highest purchase intention - Infobae



Prices and neighborhoods with the highest purchase intention - Infobae​



May 26, 2024

What type of homes are the most sought after in CABA: Prices and neighborhoods with the highest purchase intention

The real estate sector reported a 20% increase in demand for housing, a trend that intensified with the return of mortgage credit. Which apartments sold the most and which generate the most interest

By Jose Luis Cieri


One-bedroom apartments are among those that sell the most in CABA

The real estate market in the city of Buenos Aires is experiencing appreciable dynamism in terms of home buying and selling, with growing interest in certain neighborhoods that are leading the expansion and presenting surprises in buyer preferences.

Demand grew by 20% in the last 5 weeks and has accelerated recently, driven by the perception that it is still possible to acquire properties at affordable prices before the inevitable adjustments for inflation and the increase in construction costs impact fully in the final prices.

Interest in the real estate market was significantly boosted with the reintroduction of mortgage credit lines, as reflected by the queries of more than 250,000 interested parties on the websites of public and private banks that have already submitted financing proposals.

According to a private analysis, interest in buying and selling homes in CABA was already on the rise. According to Re/Max Premium, it confirmed that people with savings were already learning about the options for purchasing a home.

Ariel Champanier , from this company that carried out the work, informed Infobae that “a significant increase was noted in both inquiries and sales reservations, which experienced extraordinary growth during the first four months of the year, marking an abysmal difference with compared to previous periods such as 2017 (when the UVA mortgage loans were all the rage at that time).”


Palermo continues to be one of the most sought-after neighborhoods, but there is also a boom in operations in areas such as Caballito and Flores

Until now, real estate operations were driven mainly by savers who had dollars saved under the mattress or those who sold their properties to move to another home, marking the best start to the season in almost six years .

According to the Buenos Aires Notary Association, in the last twelve months the average number of deeds has been 3,700, a figure that far exceeds the average of 2,100 deeds registered in 2022.

However, it is anticipated that activity will be further enhanced with the introduction of new mortgage loans.

Hugo Koifman , CEO of Branson Real Estate, noted: “It is important to mention that mortgage loans are available for properties ready for deed or already deeded, excluding real estate developments under construction.”

Although sales from the well do not qualify for financing through mortgage credit, there continues to be a significant volume of operations in this modality, driven by a decisive factor: optimism.

“There is a belief that property values will increase and that the real estate market will continue to grow,” Koifman added.

Most searched areas

As for the most sought-after neighborhoods, the report specified that the northern sector of the city retains its position as the most sought after, highlighting places such as Belgrano and Palermo.


Source: Re/Max Premium

“However, what was surprising recently is the rise of other areas such as Flores and Caballito, where buying and selling activity was particularly intense. This phenomenon can be explained by the search for cheaper options without sacrificing quality or strategic location,” said Champanier.

Furthermore, the reborn interest in Recoleta stands out, an area that, until now, had not experienced a “boom” in terms of demand like the current one.

What sells the most and values

From the point of view of housing types, two- and three-room apartments are the most in demand, even surpassing the single-room market.

This preference is due to the greater benefits they offer, both for investment and residential use. Champanier commented that “in this context, there is also a resurgence of investment in two-room units intended for rental, evidencing a profitability that is once again attractive for investors after DNU that repealed the Rental Law. “This is a relatively new phenomenon that indicates a change in the market trend.”

From the segment they argue that they are receiving a notable increase in activity and it is projected that they will soon experience a boom in sales of studio apartments and two-bedrooms. Also the 3 environments in young families, especially.


Source: Re/Max Premium

This trend is closely related to upcoming mortgage loans and is favored by the stability of the dollar and the reduction in inflation, factors that encourage buyers to make decisions.

Although the outlook is still in its infancy, there is palpable enthusiasm among those interested. According to Koifman, this scenario represents a significant change that facilitates access to housing, marking a notable difference compared to the previous situation.

According to Real Estate Report, in the city of Buenos Aires the average offer value of a used studio apartment in April was USD 69,000; At the upper end, a four-room apartment had an average price of USD 139,900, while one- and two-bedroom apartments had average prices of USD 77,700 and USD 109,725, respectively.

A substantial increase is anticipated in the sale of apartments whose prices range between USD 100,000 and USD 120,000, a range in which current mortgage loans have greater reach.

The main attraction of the current real estate market is the units intended for the final consumer, that is, those properties ready to be inhabited.

“These completed units are enjoying a favorable moment, reflecting the trend of buyers who, until now, had postponed their decision to purchase a home. This boost in sales evidences renewed interest in the sector, with a focus on the immediate usefulness of the properties,” Koifman concluded.
