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Economy Private health insurance: how much will the May installments go down after the Government's intervention - Infobae

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Private health insurance: how much will the May installments go down after the Government's intervention - Infobae​



April 24, 2024

At this time, the main financiers are complying with the official order to put a cap on increases. Cuts vary by company

By Matias Barberia


According to industry sources, the price cuts will be around 16%, on average, although they will be different depending on the company (Illustrative Image Infobae)
The first private medicine invoices with price cuts are beginning to be prepared and sent to beneficiaries. The discounts range from 6% to 22%, according to the company, and respond to the strong intervention carried out by the Ministry of Commerce in the face of accelerated increases in costs. The measure, which was a kind of reversal with respect to the total liberalization of prices decided in December through DNU 70 of deregulation of the economy, begins to take effect these days.

“The amount or percentage of the reduction depends on the increases applied by each company. According to what we know, it is an average of 25% less than the value that would have resulted from applying the increases announced 30 days in advance,” a businessman in the sector told Infobae .

“If, however, we compare with what was charged the previous month, we estimate that the cuts will be around 16%,” added the same source.

Last Wednesday, the Government ordered that 75% of prepaid medicine companies lower the prices of their fees and, from now on, put a limit on new increases based on the pace of inflation . The cap, in fact, applies immediately and forces many companies to retrace increases already made. Hence, the next tickets will arrive with discounts. The official argument was that there was a “ collusive agreement ” in the sector.

That same day, the Government also presented an advance protection measure that could force the sector to make refunds to its clients for increases already applied in recent months, but that action is still in the hands of justice. There are 23 prepaid companies that are being investigated by the Defense of Competition .

For now, private health companies must hurry to adjust their values for the next installment. And the first ones are already lowering prices.

In the next few hours the main companies will begin to invoice the May fee (Shutterstock)

One of those that has already started billing is Medimas, a non-profit entity with low-cost plans by industry standards. The May bills are coming out with cuts of 6% compared to last month, as this media was able to find out. If the reduction is measured against the increase that was planned for that month and that did not materialize, we would be talking about a cut of around 12.5 percent.

Another of the advances is among the largest on the market. This is Osde, which has the particularity of being the only one of the large companies that bills in arrears - unlike other services, it is normal for health funders to charge in advance for medical coverage for a month - they are Send May invoices. The reduction, month over month, would be around 11% according to what this media learned. If compared to the increase that was planned, meanwhile, the cut would be around 22 percent.

Sources from Galeno and Swiss Medical, meanwhile, told this medium that in the next few hours they will define the adjustments for the bills that are paid in May.

A concrete example for one of the most massive coverage plans in the country, calculated for a couple, shows that beneficiaries who paid $340,000 in March and who were going to receive a bill for $387,600 in April, will end up having to pay $302,600 after the tax discount. by the Government.

The increase in prepaid medicine plans between December and April, as a result of the deregulation DNU, was around 159% according to Government calculations. Among prepaid companies, meanwhile, they estimated average increases of around 137% in the same period. Between December and March, inflation measured by Indec accumulated around 90 percent.

From now on, due to official intervention, the price of the quota must be calculated with respect to the value of the month of December 2023 multiplied by the percentage variation between the General Level Consumer Price Index with national coverage prepared by the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses in force at the time of the corresponding billing, and the same Index corresponding to December 2023.

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