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Real Estate News Properties: the unexpected changes that artificial intelligence will generate in the construction of buildings - La Nación Propiedades


Properties: the unexpected changes that artificial intelligence will generate in the construction of buildings - La Nación Propiedades



September 29, 2023

Innovations in robotics and data analysis will revolutionize the way of working in the real estate world, from algorithms that simplify project development to automated construction plants to advance works remotely.

By Federico Gagliardo


Artificial Intelligence is more than algorithms and analysis: it is also robotics and Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has come to change real estate development in all its aspects: from the projection of a venture to the marketing strategies to be implemented for its sale. But the value of this technology in the construction stage, particularly, will take levels of efficiency and convenience to new scales.

Project development is an interdisciplinary work, and AI plays a key role in contributing to the resolution of tasks. We believe that, with the inclusion of this technology, we will reach the point where a “smart building” will mean more than home automation: it will be valued that projects are built with intelligent tools.


With the inclusion of this technology, we will reach the point where a “smart building” will mean more than home automation.

The global AI market will be worth US$459.3 billion by 2030, according to a report from Research and Markets. In the world of real estate, algorithms have already broken into areas such as projection, security and assembly of parts. In the pre-construction stage, data analysis using these machine learning systems can review factors useful in finding locations for new developments — such as levels of pollution and crime — and features of interest to potential buyers such as access, public transportation, recreational, educational, sports and commercial areas.

In projection and plans, uploading each plan to intelligent software helps to supervise the work in its entirety and by segments, which is useful to determine the percentage of progress, estimated task times and prevent failures, or quickly identify them to solve them as soon as possible. The constant learning of AI seeks combinations to continue the work in the most efficient way possible. In addition, articulating this data and the planned next steps with 3D models facilitates how teams visualize the projects and the areas to work on, before starting construction.

But AI is more than algorithms and analysis: it is also robotics and Machine Learning. These tools opened the “off-site” construction game, with entire plants where robots assemble simple pieces that can be solved far from the construction site. For robotics, “simple” can be the base structure of a wall that will then be manipulated by workers to add details or more complex compositions, such as plumbing, heating, electrical or plumbing systems. According to MMR Research, this technique is expected to reach a global value of US$369.72 billion by 2029, where the pre-assembly of structures with steel, wood and plastic will stand out.


Thanks to AI, robots will assemble simple parts that can be solved far from the construction site.

During construction, AI is also useful for showing projects to others outside the team. Potential buyers, partners and investors can access remote tours made with Virtual Reality. These augmented reality showrooms are incredibly immersive visual representations, faithful to the dimensions and aesthetics of the project.

Likewise, AI can intervene to obtain better quality leads and bring real estate projects closer to interested buyers. For example, by analyzing the behavior of users on the web, the publications that generate interest, the preferences and the searches they carry out, it will be possible to better understand what the customers' interest is, and offer them, in this way, a personalized service that responds to their needs. In addition, the different sources of information also serve to avoid possible fraud and detect different levels of seriousness in the profiles seeking to buy or rent real estate. Bots are also beginning to converse in natural language to qualify opportunities, schedule appointments with clients, and resolve post-sales problems, and very soon we will do it by video with interfaces where it will be very difficult to know if the person speaking to us, is a human.

There is no doubt that this tool is already changing the world of real estate to provide better services and optimize development in all its stages. These changes are just the beginning: we will see how it will surprise us in the future to create more agile and efficient experiences.

The author is the CEO of Vitrum Capita l

By Federico Gagliardo


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