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Real Estate Sales Property sales: The best month in 6 years - Reporte Inmobiliario



Property sales: The best month in 6 years - Reporte Inmobiliario



August 23, 2024


July sales in CABA became the best month in the last 74 years with 4,946 transactions. Credit sales rose 41.5%.
According to the CABA Notaries Association, the total number of real estate purchase and sale deeds registered an increase of 47.3% in the seventh month of 2024 compared to the level of a year earlier, totaling 4,946 registrations, while the total amount of transactions carried out increased by 450.4%, with $437,194 million.


Compared to June 2024, the number of deeds also increased by 16.9% (June 4,232 deeds). The best month 74 months ago was May 2018 with 5,944 deeds in the midst of Macri's mortgage boom.

The average amount of the acts was $88,393,521 and grew 280.4% in one year in pesos.

In July, 225 mortgage deeds were formalised. The increase in this regard is 41.5% compared to the same month last year and 95.6%.

“It is the best month of the last 74 months and with a slight boost we are going to enter into more than 5 thousand operations. In 7 months we registered 25,000 deeds of sale, but there is still a long way to go to talk about good years: in 2018 we had almost 36,000 accumulated operations, in 2007 almost 40,000 and in 98 -when there was a lot of mortgage credit- we had more than 42,000. Regarding mortgages, it is a clear indication that the credit wheel is starting to move, because although it is incipient, it marked almost double compared to the previous month.”

"There are other factors that impact this climate of certain recovery: a tax such as the ITI that taxed the seller at 1.5% was eliminated and there are consultations about the money laundering that the Government approved. These are two measures that we believe will give another level to the activity" said the President of the College of Notaries Jorge De Bártolo.
