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Politics Protests erupt in Argentina against President Javier Milei’s economic shock decree - Argentina Reports

Betsy Ross

Well-known member
This is a good overview of many of the things President Javier Milei is trying to change for the better in Argentina.

Milei kept the protestors in check! First time in all my years in Argentina I didn't see protestors blocking the roads. It's amazing!
The people are too scared now. This isn't a positive thing. The police thing they have all the power now. They remind me of militia days. This isn't good. People so scared to protest now. Very negative thing for Argentina.

And Milei's DNU's are crazy! Horrible for the environment!
How are they bad for the environment? Oh boy..here we go...

The people are too scared now. This isn't a positive thing. The police thing they have all the power now. They remind me of militia days. This isn't good. People so scared to protest now. Very negative thing for Argentina.

And Milei's DNU's are crazy! Horrible for the environment!
Read every line of the DNU decrees with a fine tooth comb. Look at the parts about fire restoration and mining. The stripped out all the environmental protection regulations.
Read every line of the DNU decrees with a fine tooth comb. Look at the parts about fire restoration and mining. The stripped out all the environmental protection regulations.
Hey, so there's this new law called the fire law, and it's kind of a big deal. Maximo and the Kirchner crew are really into it, but not everyone agrees. People were talking a ton about it, and if you're curious, you should totally look it up to get the lowdown on all the drama.

I remember this one part being super controversial:

Zonas incendiadas - Prohibiciones​

Bosques nativos o implantados - Áreas naturales protegidas - Humedales

En caso de incendios provocados o accidentales que quemen vegetación viva o muerta está prohibido durante 60 años contados desde la extinción del incendio:

  • Realizar modificaciones en el uso y destino que esas superficies tenían antes del incendio.
  • Dividir o subdividir, lotear, fraccionar, parcelar o hacer cualquier emprendimiento inmobiliario distinto al arrendamiento y venta en tierras particulares. La división y subdivisión está permitida en caso de partición hereditaria.
  • Vender, dar en concesión, dividir, subdividir, lotear, fraccionar, parcelar o hacer cualquier otro emprendimiento inmobiliario, distinto al arrendamiento, en tierras fiscales.
  • Realizar cualquier actividad agropecuaria que sea distinta al uso y destino que la superficie tenia al momento del incendio.
Se establecen estas prohibiciones para garantizar las condiciones para que se restauren las superficies incendiadas.

Esta prohibición puede extenderse si lo indica el Ordenamiento Territorial de los Bosques Nativos de la jurisdicción correspondiente.

Zonas agropecuarias, praderas, pastizales, matorrales - Áreas con estructuras edilicias que se entremezclan con vegetación fuera del ambiente urbano o estructural

En caso de incendios provocados o accidentales que quemen vegetación viva o muerta está prohibido durante 30 años contados desde la extinción del incendio:

  • Realizar emprendimientos inmobiliarios.
  • Realizar cualquier actividad agropecuaria distinta al uso y destino que la superficie tenía antes del incendio.
  • Modificar el uso de la superficie para desarrollar prácticas agropecuarias intensivas.
Se establecen estas prohibiciones para garantizar las condiciones para que se restauren las superficies incendiadas.

Imagine you snag a cool piece of land to build something awesome on it, right? But then, out of nowhere, someone sets it on fire, and you're stuck twiddling your thumbs for a whopping 60 years.

And get this—it's not even some eco-friendly rule. It's just straight-up political nonsense. People were buzzing about it a lot back then. Total head-scratcher!
Hey, so there's this new law called the fire law, and it's kind of a big deal. Maximo and the Kirchner crew are really into it, but not everyone agrees. People were talking a ton about it, and if you're curious, you should totally look it up to get the lowdown on all the drama.

I remember this one part being super controversial:

Zonas incendiadas - Prohibiciones​

Bosques nativos o implantados - Áreas naturales protegidas - Humedales

En caso de incendios provocados o accidentales que quemen vegetación viva o muerta está prohibido durante 60 años contados desde la extinción del incendio:

  • Realizar modificaciones en el uso y destino que esas superficies tenían antes del incendio.
  • Dividir o subdividir, lotear, fraccionar, parcelar o hacer cualquier emprendimiento inmobiliario distinto al arrendamiento y venta en tierras particulares. La división y subdivisión está permitida en caso de partición hereditaria.
  • Vender, dar en concesión, dividir, subdividir, lotear, fraccionar, parcelar o hacer cualquier otro emprendimiento inmobiliario, distinto al arrendamiento, en tierras fiscales.
  • Realizar cualquier actividad agropecuaria que sea distinta al uso y destino que la superficie tenia al momento del incendio.
Se establecen estas prohibiciones para garantizar las condiciones para que se restauren las superficies incendiadas.

Esta prohibición puede extenderse si lo indica el Ordenamiento Territorial de los Bosques Nativos de la jurisdicción correspondiente.

Zonas agropecuarias, praderas, pastizales, matorrales - Áreas con estructuras edilicias que se entremezclan con vegetación fuera del ambiente urbano o estructural

En caso de incendios provocados o accidentales que quemen vegetación viva o muerta está prohibido durante 30 años contados desde la extinción del incendio:

  • Realizar emprendimientos inmobiliarios.
  • Realizar cualquier actividad agropecuaria distinta al uso y destino que la superficie tenía antes del incendio.
  • Modificar el uso de la superficie para desarrollar prácticas agropecuarias intensivas.
Se establecen estas prohibiciones para garantizar las condiciones para que se restauren las superficies incendiadas.

Imagine you snag a cool piece of land to build something awesome on it, right? But then, out of nowhere, someone sets it on fire, and you're stuck twiddling your thumbs for a whopping 60 years.

And get this—it's not even some eco-friendly rule. It's just straight-up political nonsense. People were buzzing about it a lot back then. Total head-scratcher!
Hmm, not totally sure, but it seems like you didn't score the kind of land you can just build on however you want. What you got is meant for a specific thing, and this law stops you from just torching it, like, let's say, a forest.

But here's the kicker: In those 60 years, you can pretty much use the land the same way you could before the fire.

Seems pretty eco-friendly to me, you know? Like, it puts the brakes on turning rainforest into fields by setting them ablaze.
Hmm, not totally sure, but it seems like you didn't score the kind of land you can just build on however you want. What you got is meant for a specific thing, and this law stops you from just torching it, like, let's say, a forest.

But here's the kicker: In those 60 years, you can pretty much use the land the same way you could before the fire.

Seems pretty eco-friendly to me, you know? Like, it puts the brakes on turning rainforest into fields by setting them ablaze.
I think the media covered this in detail previously. In great detail from what I see online. You know? If you're cool with just tossing out quick remarks without diving into the nitty-gritty of those countless articles, interviews, and thoughts from people who were in the mix when they were cooking up and voting on this law, then sure, it's way less hassle. Easy peasy.
I think the media covered this in detail previously. In great detail from what I see online. You know? If you're cool with just tossing out quick remarks without diving into the nitty-gritty of those countless articles, interviews, and thoughts from people who were in the mix when they were cooking up and voting on this law, then sure, it's way less hassle. Easy peasy.
I was replying to your post about this supposedly controversial part of the law that actually makes total sense for anyone who cares about the environment. And then you threw in that kinda silly addition below.

If you're not up for sending folks to read through old news and comments, no biggie, but every law's gonna have those tricky situations and create some unfairness. It usually gets sorted out in different courts later on.

I mean, it's no secret that South America, or, like, all of America, has some serious environmental problems. You can see the consequences piling up more and more each year. Argentina's got tons of land just sitting there not being put to good use, and there's really no need to keep expanding the whole farming and building scene. Brazil's got its own set of issues, but that's not really an excuse, I guess.
I think the media covered this in detail previously. In great detail from what I see online. You know? If you're cool with just tossing out quick remarks without diving into the nitty-gritty of those countless articles, interviews, and thoughts from people who were in the mix when they were cooking up and voting on this law, then sure, it's way less hassle. Easy peasy.
Whoa, big props for being so on point...!

Or, maybe you're like my personal BFF and we've had some deep conversations. That would totally explain how you're so sure I haven't done my homework and I'm just shooting from the hip.

But, like, I don't remember crossing paths with you. Bummer for me, I guess.
Dude, it's totally clear from what you just said that you haven't checked up on the topic. I'm not gonna bother replying here anymore. Later!
Hey, I'm all for admitting when I'm wrong, but you didn't give me anything to tweak my opinion. You threw in a piece of the law and a kinda confusing comment below it. When I questioned it, you told us to go find the controversies ourselves, saying there's a ton out there, even though my quick search didn't turn up much.

I still trust you that there's some serious issues with this law, especially considering other Argentinian laws. But straight-up getting rid of it, and with DNU, probably isn't the smartest move.

When gamers lose, they sometimes flip the table over. Live your best life!
Hey, I'm all for admitting when I'm wrong, but you didn't give me anything to tweak my opinion. You threw in a piece of the law and a kinda confusing comment below it. When I questioned it, you told us to go find the controversies ourselves, saying there's a ton out there, even though my quick search didn't turn up much.

I still trust you that there's some serious issues with this law, especially considering other Argentinian laws. But straight-up getting rid of it, and with DNU, probably isn't the smartest move.

When gamers lose, they sometimes flip the table over. Live your best life!

I did a quick 2-minute search, and here's what I found. If you're into it, these should kick things off.

Just a heads-up on a couple of things:This law is like only three years old. If it was really about saving the environment, it took them forever to make it happen.They dropped this law smack in the middle of the whole Covid mess, and seven months into a crazy ass strict lockdown that was seriously messing with people's lives. And this was the big focus for the Kirchnerismo?

I did a quick 2-minute search, and here's what I found. If you're into it, these should kick things off.

Just a heads-up on a couple of things:This law is like only three years old. If it was really about saving the environment, it took them forever to make it happen.They dropped this law smack in the middle of the whole Covid mess, and seven months into a crazy ass strict lockdown that was seriously messing with people's lives. And this was the big focus for the Kirchnerismo?

Your take totally comes through from the four links you dropped.

Two from Clarin, like the flagship of Empiro Clarin, all gung-ho for Macrista mentimedia. One from La Nación, basically the most old-school and conservative newspaper in the whole country. And then there's Infobae, chilling in Miami, US of A.

It's pretty clear you've been... let's be nice and call it conned by your info sources. Hey, we all are, right? When I share links, they're always from the flip side, and someone could just as easily say I'm influenced by the sources I picked. Maybe the difference is I used to get my news from the same places you do and then decided to ditch them when I realized there are other angles.

My point is, it seems like you're sticking to sources that aren't big fans of peronism and keep hammering that everything tied to it is bad. So, that's the vibe you're rocking.

Welcome to the info warfare era, right? 🌐💥
Your take totally comes through from the four links you dropped.

Two from Clarin, like the flagship of Empiro Clarin, all gung-ho for Macrista mentimedia. One from La Nación, basically the most old-school and conservative newspaper in the whole country. And then there's Infobae, chilling in Miami, US of A.

It's pretty clear you've been... let's be nice and call it conned by your info sources. Hey, we all are, right? When I share links, they're always from the flip side, and someone could just as easily say I'm influenced by the sources I picked. Maybe the difference is I used to get my news from the same places you do and then decided to ditch them when I realized there are other angles.

My point is, it seems like you're sticking to sources that aren't big fans of peronism and keep hammering that everything tied to it is bad. So, that's the vibe you're rocking.

Welcome to the info warfare era, right? 🌐💥

I check out Perfil, iProfesional, and a bunch more, but I totally ignore the junk Victor Santa María and Cristóbal López spew. Not a fan, and I don't think much of people who fall for it. There's this one person on here who's all about that super biased stuff, and turns out, he's been living in Argentina on the down-low for ages. Not that I'm hating on that, but it kinda says something about his character, you know? Especially when there are so many peeps on here busting their butts to follow the rules and stay legit, which I did too. Not really digging this guy's opinions, and it's a struggle to take them seriously. But hey, he's got the right to spill his thoughts.
Honestly, no newspaper needs to tell me not to dig peronism when I can see:
  • Poverty hitting 45%, with 30% of folks working full-time jobs
  • Inflation soaring at 150% a year, even with prices being kept low artificially
  • People scavenging through trash bins for food outside my window
  • Folks crashing on the sidewalk all day, every day in my hood
  • Power outages making a comeback (five times on my block just last week; kinda worried about this summer)
  • And a bunch more etc., etc., etc. 🤷‍♂️
I did a quick 2-minute search, and here's what I found. If you're into it, these should kick things off.

Just a heads-up on a couple of things:This law is like only three years old. If it was really about saving the environment, it took them forever to make it happen.They dropped this law smack in the middle of the whole Covid mess, and seven months into a crazy ass strict lockdown that was seriously messing with people's lives. And this was the big focus for the Kirchnerismo?

Thanks for putting in the effort, but those articles didn't really shake up my thoughts. Maybe the whole selling-land-after-a-fire thing isn't a big deal for me, but everything else, I'm still on board with. Guess we're just wired differently. ✌️🤔
Is it gonna get worse? Doesn't seem like it'll go too crazy. I've noticed that prices for things like beef and chicken are actually dropping 'cause people are buying less. Plus, more folks are checking out restaurant prices and bailing instead of eating out. It's like the market doing its thing. So, it kinda looks like a good sign, you know? 📉🍗👀

The trend is your trend!
Is it gonna get worse? Doesn't seem like it'll go too crazy. I've noticed that prices for things like beef and chicken are actually dropping 'cause people are buying less. Plus, more folks are checking out restaurant prices and bailing instead of eating out. It's like the market doing its thing. So, it kinda looks like a good sign, you know? 📉🍗👀

The trend is your trend!
I'm not sure what you're smoking! Your wishful thinking seems like some alternate universe. Everyone I talk to said prices are more expensive. Don Julio now has $125 USD steaks.

Interesting discussion on the fire/environmental thingy. My take?

In essence, the prevailing fire law stipulates that occurrences of fires do not alter the established land zoning. Areas designated as agricultural must retain their agricultural classification and are precluded from undergoing conversion into zones earmarked for industrial or residential purposes.
Furthermore, it is noteworthy that parcels of land comprising burnt native forest are expressly precluded from transformation into commercial tree farms in accordance with the stipulations of this legislation.
Is it gonna get worse? Doesn't seem like it'll go too crazy. I've noticed that prices for things like beef and chicken are actually dropping 'cause people are buying less. Plus, more folks are checking out restaurant prices and bailing instead of eating out. It's like the market doing its thing. So, it kinda looks like a good sign, you know? 📉🍗👀

The trend is your trend!

Not noticing cheaper beef or chicken. I see prices higher, but we've been on the hunt for exterior paint to paint our house for like 2 weeks. Every quote we got was sky-high, and then out of the blue, one supplier hits us with a new quote that's 35% cheaper than the last one. And their big "explanation"? Apparently, prices chilled out after the election 🙄 Basically, all these suppliers were holding onto stuff, hoping they could cash in later. 🤦‍♂️