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I am not sure if this is the best place to post such a ques.

An ex colleague of mine got offered a middle management operations position in the UK with a multinational oil company. I was quite surprised that the proposed basic salary is that high for that type of work. He was offered close to 17,000 GBP (not Egyptian Pound :)) for basic and about 2-3K for allowance per month. Is this normal? what would the tax rate be like? would allowance be taxed?

The basic sounds terrible for a middle management position, I was earning more than that in 1989 !. With an allowances of £2,000-£3,000 PCM it sounds more appealing.

For UK residents the first £8105 is tax free then the tax rate 20%,then after £34,370 the rate rises to 40%. There is also national insurance of around 11%.
20 K a month GBP 240 K a year or USD $384 K seems like a fair income ? seems higher than what international expats in Buenos Aires get.
20 K a month GBP 240 K a year or USD $384 K seems like a fair income ? seems higher than what international expats in Buenos Aires get.
Yeah, I was laughing when I saw that some people mistakenly thought that was the annual salary of £17,000 instead of per month!

LOL. You know you've been stuck in Argentina too long when you make assumptions like that.

That salary definitely sounds high for middle manager if they are going to be in a non-hostile/non-dangerous environment.

But if they were sending him to some craphole somewhere like Yemen, then definitely it's possible. I have friends that went to really cruddy environments and made hundreds of thousands per year and plus the company paid their mortgage in the USA while they were there.

But unless your friend has some super stellar background..I'd say he is exaggerating.
Thanks ALL for your replies... Thought I give an update and a warning as the same time.

I think I have found the answer to my nagging suspicion, which is the Job Description is BS, pay too much for a mid level position, and that my friend may be worth that much - no offense to him.

I believe it is a scam and have warned my friend - he hasn't replied me. The offer letter looks real but when you look at the contact details, esp the telephone number, it is different from those that in the official website. The number could be one of those redirecting numbers to another place (perhaps Nigeria). I think the scammers are trying to profit from the phone call (long distance call charged to caller)?

See examples below.

