Ranking: Which are the most expensive and cheapest neighborhoods to rent in CABA?

July 12, 2024
Rental prices in the city of Buenos Aires have significantly slowed their increase in the last five months
Palermo is among the neighborhoods with the most expensive rents in the city of Buenos Aires Daniel Basualdo
In a context in which three types of contracts coexist at the same time , after the repeal of the last Rental Law registered in the DNU of President Javier Milei, rents in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (CABA) increased by 2.2% in June , marking a sharp deceleration for the fifth consecutive month, after rising 21% in January and 18.6% in December, according to the latest survey conducted by Zonaprop .
According to this increase, a 40 m² studio apartment rents on average for $391,910 per month , a one-bedroom apartment for $449,915 per month and a 70 m² two-bedrooms apartment for $602,830 .
Rentals in CABA slowed listing prices for the fifth consecutive month Fabian Marelli
Palermo remains on the podium of the most expensive neighborhoods to rent an apartment Fabian Marelli - THE NATION
On the other hand, rentals with intermediate prices are:
In Colegiales the average monthly rent is $496,296 Rodrigo Nespolo
While, among the most affordable prices are Floresta ($367,911) , Mataderos ($359,023) and Lugano, the latter being the most economical neighborhood at $295,056 per month .


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July 12, 2024
Rental prices in the city of Buenos Aires have significantly slowed their increase in the last five months

Palermo is among the neighborhoods with the most expensive rents in the city of Buenos Aires Daniel Basualdo
In a context in which three types of contracts coexist at the same time , after the repeal of the last Rental Law registered in the DNU of President Javier Milei, rents in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (CABA) increased by 2.2% in June , marking a sharp deceleration for the fifth consecutive month, after rising 21% in January and 18.6% in December, according to the latest survey conducted by Zonaprop .
According to this increase, a 40 m² studio apartment rents on average for $391,910 per month , a one-bedroom apartment for $449,915 per month and a 70 m² two-bedrooms apartment for $602,830 .

Rentals in CABA slowed listing prices for the fifth consecutive month Fabian Marelli
Ranking of the most expensive and cheapest neighborhoods to rent
For example, Puerto Madero continues to lead the ranking with the most expensive rentals , with an average of $997,793 for a one-bedroom apartment of 50 m² . This is followed by Palermo and Núñez with $516,957 and $506,335 , respectively.
Palermo remains on the podium of the most expensive neighborhoods to rent an apartment Fabian Marelli - THE NATION
On the other hand, rentals with intermediate prices are:
- Villa Urquiza : $475,065
- Paternal: $441,374
- Parque Patricios : $424,894
- San Nicolas : $417,894
- Parque Avellaneda : $403,671

In Colegiales the average monthly rent is $496,296 Rodrigo Nespolo
While, among the most affordable prices are Floresta ($367,911) , Mataderos ($359,023) and Lugano, the latter being the most economical neighborhood at $295,056 per month .
The neighborhoods that recorded the highest price increase
According to the platform, San Telmo and Parque Avellaneda are the neighborhoods that showed the greatest year-on-year increase , while Retiro is the one with the lowest. The list is presented as follows:Biggest rise
- San Telmo: 238.1%
- Parque Avellaneda : 229.1%
- Montserrat: 226.2%
Intermediate increase
- San Nicolas: 204.2%
- Agronomia: 189.4%
- Santa Rita: 177.4%
- Paternal: 175.3%
- Colegiales: 168.4%
Minor increase
- Retiro: 149.1%
- Villa Ortuzar: 151.4%
- Palermo: 151.6%