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Rates and referrals to personal trainers in Buenos Aires?


New member
I just arrived to Buenos Aires and I plan to stay for a while. I'm not sure how long yet but I am really digging this city! I am staying in Palermo Soho. Does anyone know what a personal trainer here costs? If anyone has any referrals to English speaking personal trainers. I can go around to another area but prefer if they are in Palermo.

I have checked about getting a Megatlon monthly membership and not sure if they have them there. I will go tomorrow to see but if someone knows what the going rate is.

Thanks in advance.
There is a website where you can find personal trainers that are rated and you can see the prices. Most of them ar about 4,000 to 5,000 pesos per hour.

Thank you for posting this link. I found a personal trainer and it was a fraction of what I paid back home. You can get further discounts if you buy bundles of multiple hours. Things like professional services seem to be the best deal here in BA.