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Real Estate News Real M2 index September 2023 - Reporte Inmobiliario


Real M2 index September 2023 - Reporte Inmobiliario



November 24, 2023


After three consecutive months of recovery, the closing m2 value for apartments in CABA decreased by almost 5% on average during September. The studio apartments showed better performance.
Universidad del CEMA and RE/MAX Argentina, together with Reporte Inmobiliario, prepare and communicate monthly the closing price index with information on the specific values at which operations are agreed in the real estate market.

The preparation and monthly publication of this index representative of the average price of the effective square meter in the City of Buenos Aires, allows in addition to having a reference of the average real value and its evolution over time, to establish the range of difference in relation to the price. average of the published square meter.

The Real M2 Index corresponding to the month of September 2023 showed, after three consecutive months of increases, a contraction during the month of September of 4.92% on average for the generalized index, dragged mainly by the 1 and 2 bedroom units which sold at lower values in September. On the other hand, studio units in September showed a recovery in their sales value of 2.7%, always in dollar bills.


When proceeding to open the price by quantity of rooms, in the sales of studio apartments a price per m2 of 1,885 dollars was recorded, while the closing value of the 1 and 2 bedroom units was 1,629 U$S/m2 and of 1,631 U$S/m2 respectively.

The gap between the value per m2 of the operations completed in September 2023, in relation to the last published value of the property, commonly known as the counteroffer range, was – 6.59% on average, with the units being studio those that showed the narrowest gap (5.43%); in coincidence with being precisely the typology that improved its price.
