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Hello everyone,

It appears that we might be moving to Sao Paulo towards the end of the year. I arrived here in January, and settling in was quite challenging - finding schools for the kids, a suitable place to live, and so on. If any of you have lived in Sao Paulo, could you share your thoughts on the areas you liked the most and considered the safest? Do you have any recommendations for a reliable realtor?Apart from Graded School, are there other English-focused schools in the city that are expat-friendly? We only speak Spanish and English, no Portuguese, so finding a school that can assist us on that front is crucial.I would appreciate any tips and suggestions you may have.Thanks in advance!
Safety in SP is a huge problem but areas i most liked

Villa Olympia, Itam Bibi, Morumbi

Especially Itam Bibi I like
I go to Sao Paulo once in a while on business. Jardins is by far the most upscale neighborhood (but also the most expensive).

Be prepared for the cost of living there as it's VERY expensive there compared to Buenos Aires. You hear many ex-pats complaining about Buenos Aires' cost of living but it's much more expensive in Sao Paulo.

Also, the crime there is much much worse.

Jardins, Pinheiros are nice. My friend lives near Morumbi with her kids and seems to like it there. I saw some apartments in Villa Olympia and it looks like it's really growing but I personally would live in Jardins if I lived there.

I will ask my friend where she sends her kids to school as she is an ex-pat but lived there for several years now. The private schools there must be pretty good as her son got accepted to Yale and Harvard and started at Yale this year. I'll ask her and then send you a PM.