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Real Estate News Rent in CABA: how much does a 1-bedroom apartment cost neighborhood by neighborhood and where there is no offer - Infobae


Rent in CABA: how much does a 1-bedroom apartment cost neighborhood by neighborhood and where there is no offer - Infobae



October 04, 2023

Rental prices continue to rise amid uncertainty about future legislation in the national Congress. Inflation, strong demand, shortage of units in pesos and regulatory issues are the main factors driving this increase

By José Luis Cieri


1-bedroom apartment in Palermo, one of the most expensive neighborhoods to rent or buy in the city of Buenos Aires.

In the city of Buenos Aires, the real estate market has experienced a sustained increase in rental costs for two-room apartments. While the National Congress evaluates modifying the Rental Law passed in June 2020 (currently in force), rental prices have registered a record increase of 143% in the first nine months of 2023.

According to data from the Zonaprop platform, Núñez stands out as the most expensive neighborhood to rent 1-bedroom, 50-square-meter apartments, with an average price of $320,362 per month. In contrast, Floresta registers the lowest cost, with $183,919 per month.

In certain neighborhoods of Buenos Aires, such as Agronomía, Villa Santa Rita, Lugano, Villa Riachuelo, Nueva Pompeya, Parque Chas and Villa Real, there is currently no availability of two-room apartments for rent.

This phenomenon is related to multiple factors, including the country's economic situation, high demand and low supply of properties.

There are 189 properties published for rent in Almagro, of which only 36 are in pesos. In neighborhoods such as Agronomía, Lugano or Monte Castro, among others, there is no availability of two rooms in one location.
In the legislative sphere, both the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate are considering two opposing opinions to reform the Rental Law. So far, no changes have been made. Under current regulations, rental contracts have a duration of three years and annual adjustments according to the Lease Contract Index (ICL).

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The most popular types of apartments are studios apartments and 1-bedoom apartments. Vanesa Ibarra of Salguero Propiedades told Infobae , “that this trend is due to a combination of factors. First, the prices of these apartments are more affordable. Second, the demand largely comes from a young public that moves to CABA to study or become independent. Villa Crespo and Almagro are neighborhoods with high demand due to their proximity to universities, means of transportation such as the subway and shopping centers. These areas offer cheaper prices compared to Palermo, but maintain a convenient location.”

1-bedroom apartments are highly in demand both for rent and for purchase, and not only due to demographic changes such as marriages, divorces or the independence of young people.

Ernesto Turale , lawyer and broker at Turale Inmobiliaria, told Infobae , “that these apartments are also an attractive option for investors with limited capital due to their flexibility to accommodate more than one person.”

The current situation shows such high demand that potential tenants have few options to choose from. The urgency to find a home to rent, whether for the first time or due to the need to change residence, faces a very limited supply.

“Apartments with a balcony and good lighting are the most visited. If, in addition, the building has amenities and security measures, even better. However, given the shortage of supply, tenants looking for rent currently prioritize that the property be in good condition,” Ibarra added.


There are Buenos Aires neighborhoods like Agronomía where there are no 1-bedroom properties to rent in pesos currently.

Most rental ads in CABA are intended for temporary contracts and are quoted in dollars. According to Ibarra, rental prices for three-year contracts under current legislation vary. For studio units, they range between $150,000 and $200,000, while 1-bedroom apartments have prices starting at $200,000, especially in the Almagro and Villa Crespo neighborhoods.”

Although rental demand may vary depending on the area of the city and, in many cases, the age of the tenant influences preferences, the neighborhoods with a greater supply of two-room units are usually in the northern porteli corridor. These include Palermo, Belgrano, Recoleta and Núñez, to which Caballito is added.

According to Turale, “tenants looking for 1-bedroom apartments generally do not prioritize common areas, although if they have them they offer a plus. These renters typically have a limited budget and value other factors such as location and security. The most sought-after units are those that offer good lighting and a design that maximizes the feeling of space.”


Below are the monthly rental prices for 1-bedroom properties in pesos in CABA according to Zonaprop:

Núñez: $320,362.
Palermo: $300,732.
Schoolchildren: $291,229.
Belgrano: $280,679.
Villa Urquiza: $278,407.
Villa Crespo: $277,783.
Recoleta: $263,145.
Chacarita: $252,542.
Saavedra: $246,806.
Withdrawal: $259,273.
Caballito: $259,190.
Almagro: $246,047.
Villa Devoto: $243,057.
Chacabuco Park: $241,432.
Villa General Miter: $230,732.
Villa Pueyrredón: $230,168.
San Cristóbal: $229,973.
Villa del Parque: $227,372.
Boedo: $222,682.
Flowers: $213,834.
Monserrat: $209,215.
Balvanera: $205,874.
Constitution: $200,453.
San Nicolás: $197,637.
San Telmo: $197,516.
Barracks: $190,208.
Floresta: $183,919.
Liniers: $184,948.
