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Apartment Rental Rentals: how much does a two-bedroom apartment cost depending on the neighborhood where it is located - La Nación Propiedades


Rentals: how much does a two-bedroom apartment cost depending on the neighborhood where it is located - La Nacion Proiedades



August 17, 2024

The most expensive, the cheapest and those offering intermediate values: 15 neighborhoods in CABA where it is possible to find three-room apartments suitable for all budgets


Two-bedroom apartments were priced at an average of $628,168 per month in July AFV

Apartment rental prices in the city of Buenos Aires continue to rise: in July the increase was 3.3% compared to the previous month, according to the latest report from Zonaprop .

In numbers, a two-bedroom , 70 m² apartment in the city of Buenos Aires rents for an average of $628,168.

This slowdown in listing prices is evidenced by the significant increase in the supply of apartments for rent : it exceeds 200% since the beginning of this year, following the repeal of the rental law on December 29, 2023, when the DNU came into force.


The supply of apartments for rent has increased by more than 200% since the beginning of the year Photo by Maria Ziegler on Unsplash

Which are the most expensive and cheapest neighborhoods to rent a two-bedroom apartment in CABA?

The real estate portal announced the average monthly prices of two-bedroom apartments in the different neighborhoods of the city, in the month of July, according to the area in which the properties are located, the prices vary as follows :

The most expensive in the city​

  • Nuñez: $766,600
  • Colegiales: $764,000
  • Palermo: $721,600
  • Belgrano: $719,700
  • Villa Urquiza: $713,300

The cheapest neighborhoods by month​

  • Lugano: $429,000
  • Mataderos: $485,100
  • Floresta: $516,600
  • Constitucion: $525,300
  • Balvanera: $541,800

Intermediate prices by neighborhood​

  • Caballito: $639,400
  • Villa Crespo: $637,600
  • Villa Del Parque: $629,000
  • Almagro: $625,000
  • Boedo: $619,800


Palermo is one of the most expensive neighborhoods to rent a three-room apartment in the city Fabian Marelli - THE NATION

How to close new rental contracts​

According to real estate market data, new contracts are agreed for two years, in pesos and with quarterly or four-monthly adjustment by CPI , "although there are still several agreements that are adjusted by ICL," explains the city's Real Estate Association.

Real estate brokers agree that the owner's goal with the update is not to lose out to inflation . "Today they prefer pesos with quarterly adjustment based on CPI and the tenant is accepting it without conflict between the parties," adds Daniel Salaya Romera, owner of the real estate agency of the same name.
