Rentals: You can no longer find a one-bedroom apartment for less than $300,000 in any neighborhood of the city - La Nacion Propiedades

August 08, 2024
The value of rents in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires broke the barrier of $300,000 in all its neighborhoods
Rents in CABA registered a 3.3% increase in July 2024 Shutterstock
In a context in which the rental law was repealed, rents continue to rise . In July, listings registered an increase of 3.3% , which meant that in 2024 they would reach an accumulated 39% . In this sense, the average value of a one-bedroom rental in CABA exceeded the $300,000 barrier in all its neighborhoods .
The rental offer , on the other hand, fell by 4.8% month-on-month, but is still three times higher than that recorded in February 2023.
The average rental price for a one-bedroom apartment in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires , with a covered area of 50 square meters, was $464,742 per month , according to the latest report from Zonaprop.
Average rental value by type
A month ago, in June 2024, there were two neighborhoods that did not exceed the average of $300,000 (Lugano and Floresta), but now, all the neighborhoods in Buenos Aires have surpassed the barrier.
However, the three neighborhoods where both rooms had the lowest average rental prices in July were:
On the contrary, Puerto Madero continued to be the most expensive with an average of $958,337.
Average rental value in CABA
In this regard, Lugano recorded an annual rental profitability of 6.4% and La Boca 5.6% . Parque Patricios was in third place, with a profitability of 5.3%.

Alquileres: ya no se consigue un dos ambientes por menos de $300.000 en ningún barrio de la ciudad
El valor de los alquileres en la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires rompió la barrera de los $300.000 en todos sus barrios

August 08, 2024
The value of rents in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires broke the barrier of $300,000 in all its neighborhoods

Rents in CABA registered a 3.3% increase in July 2024 Shutterstock
In a context in which the rental law was repealed, rents continue to rise . In July, listings registered an increase of 3.3% , which meant that in 2024 they would reach an accumulated 39% . In this sense, the average value of a one-bedroom rental in CABA exceeded the $300,000 barrier in all its neighborhoods .
The rental offer , on the other hand, fell by 4.8% month-on-month, but is still three times higher than that recorded in February 2023.
The average rental price for a one-bedroom apartment in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires , with a covered area of 50 square meters, was $464,742 per month , according to the latest report from Zonaprop.

Average rental value by type
A month ago, in June 2024, there were two neighborhoods that did not exceed the average of $300,000 (Lugano and Floresta), but now, all the neighborhoods in Buenos Aires have surpassed the barrier.
However, the three neighborhoods where both rooms had the lowest average rental prices in July were:
- Lugano: with an average rent of $303,133
- Floresta: with an average rent of $378,778
- Mataderos: with an average rent of $386,085
On the contrary, Puerto Madero continued to be the most expensive with an average of $958,337.

Average rental value in CABA
Cost effectiveness
If we talk about the neighborhoods with the highest annual rental profitability in July 2024, according to the latest Zonaprop report, Lugano and La Boca were ranked as the best neighborhoods for investors looking for income .In this regard, Lugano recorded an annual rental profitability of 6.4% and La Boca 5.6% . Parque Patricios was in third place, with a profitability of 5.3%.