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Real Estate News Rents: this calculator tells you how much your rent will increase according to the index with which you closed the contract - La Nacion Propiedades



Rents: this calculator tells you how much your rent will increase according to the index with which you closed the contract - La Nacion Propiedades



June 11, 2024

Since the repeal of the rental law, contracts are agreed between tenants and owners, who must agree on how adjustments will be made; a tool allows you to calculate the increase in each case

By Candela Contreras


A calculator tells you how much the rent will increase according to the rate at which you closed the contractFreepik

On December 29, 2023, when the Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) of Javier Milei came into effect, the rental law was repealed and with it the rental contracts for locations were once again governed by the Civil and Commercial Code with some modifications , as was done before June 2020, at which time the controversial rule was sanctioned. From this, the way in which new agreements are signed are established by agreement between the parties .

This means that they can negotiate the length of the contracts: there is no minimum legal term, but if they do not clarify it, it will be two years. Another change is that the adjustment of the rental value can be agreed and the use of any index , public or private, expressed in the same currency in which the contract was agreed is valid. The frequency with which said adjustment will be made must also be agreed upon, usually a quarter or quarter.


Contracts signed before the repeal of the regulations will continue with the rates established at the time of the agreementCrizzyStudio - Shutterstock

The possible indexes to be taken in a rental contract​

Within the variety of existing public indices that could be applied in leasing contracts, there are different options, some of them prepared by INDEC and others by the Central Bank (BCRA). Below what each one weighs:

Those of INDEC​

  • CPI (Consumer Price Index): measures the variation in prices of goods and services representative of household consumption expenditure compared to the prices in force in the base year. Real estate brokers agree that the owner's objective with the update is not to lose to inflation . “Today he prefers pesos with quarterly adjustment by CPI and the tenant is accepting it without conflict between the parties,” adds Daniel Salaya Romera, owner of the homonymous real estate agency.
  • Salary Index: takes the variations in salaries in both the public and private sectors each month. "This index could be used as a good indicator because in the long term, even though today we are at a very low salary level, on average salaries and inflation go hand in hand, and at some point they will have to recover,” says Federico Gonzalez Rouco, economist at the consulting firm Empiria.

Those of the BCRA​

  • ICL (Index of Lease Contracts): contemplates the variation of inflation (according to the INDEC CPI) and salaries, according to the average remuneration of stable workers (RIPTE). It is the one used to calculate the increases in contracts under the rental law enacted in 2020. “As with the Own House index (used as an indicator in the increases of the Law update starting in October 2023), I don't think they will be used, because they have a very bad reputation after the repeal of the regulations and for being below inflation and market prices,” says González Rouco.
  • Reference Stabilization Coefficient (BCRA) : it is a daily evolution based on inflation. “Both UVA, inflation and CER do not present major differences from each other,” adds González Rouco.
  • UVA (Unit of Purchasing Value) : in this case the calculation is simpler, “because if the contract is valued at -for example- 1000 UVA, every time there is an increase it will be over 1000 UVA, you just have to see how much it increased in that period. It does not seem like a minor variable to me because the ease of calculation, in this context, is very important,” explains the economist.


Real Estate Report highlights the indices prepared by the INDEC and the BCRAFabian Marelli

However, calculating the rent adjustment according to each of these indices can take time . But, there is a site that works as a virtual calculator that allows you to know how much each contract is adjusted depending on the index used .

How to calculate the rent adjustment for each index​

To simplify the calculation of each of the indices , since 2020 there has been a site through which the adjustment amount of lease contracts can be calculated easily and quickly . “The idea of the platform arose due to the difficulty that exists when carrying out calculations for anyone who does not know the data of each index,” says Juan Martín Pagella, creator of Arquiler .

Arquiler is a rental calculator that arose with the idea of having a tool at your fingertips to facilitate the calculations of lease contract updates.

"The veracity of the results can be corroborated because we use all official publications when they publish each index."

Juan Martín Pagella, creator of the Arquiler platform

The data sources used are: ANSES to calculate the CPI; the BCRA for ICL and the CER; the Argentine Chamber of Construction for the CAC Index; the Secretariat of Territorial Development, Habitat and Housing for Own Homes. “ Starting in April, the first contracts signed between last October and December will begin to be updated under that update ,” he states.

According to the data provided by the platform, today the most used indexes are the ICL (contracts still in force under the repealed law) and the CPI , according to data from the site: so far in March, there are 140,000 rents calculated with ICL; while with CPI they reach 90,000; in third place is Casa Propia with 14,000; and CAC with 6,000.

In addition to the rent calculation, a few months ago the website added the “ guarantee quote ” function, with which the value of the rental guarantee needed for each new contract can be calculated.


Analysts consider that the most used index in new contracts will be the CPI

How to calculate contract increase based on update rate​

  • Enter the website https://arquiler.com/ which contains a calculator specifically designed to know the increase in rents.
  • First of all, the initial rental value must be entered.
  • Then you must select the start date of the contract.
  • Afterwards, this contract is updated every few months.
  • Finally, select the index by which the rent is updated: ICL, IPC, CasaPropia, CAC, CER, IS or IPIM.
