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Retirees can Apply for exemption of their ABL tax in Buenos Aires but beware of the low allowances on income.


FYI for those that are retired and on pensions. You can apply for an exemption for your annual ABL tax on your property.

Who can access this benefit?

To qualify, applicants must meet the following requirements:

  • Be owners, condominium owners or beneficiaries of the right to use a single home of their own.
  • Effectively occupy that house.
  • Do not own other properties in the national territory.
  • Receive a retirement or pension equal to or less than twice the minimum vital and mobile wage, or two and a half times of the minimum retirement, whichever is greater ($539,000 as of July 1, 2024).
  • The tax valuation of the house must not exceed the limit established by the Tariff Law for the year in which the exemption is requested.

How to carry out the procedure?

  • Online: Enter the website of the AGIP (Governmental Administration of Public Revenue): www.agip.gob.ar/tramites/247/3 and complete the corresponding form.
  • Required documentation:
  • Beneficiary's ID.
  • Last receipt of a retirement or pension.
  • Property title of the house.
  • Current rental contract (if you are a tenant).
  • Deed with usufruct (if it is usufructuary).
