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Real Estate News Ricardo Inti Alpert: The architect that will be in Housing - Infobae



Ricardo Inti Alpert: The architect that will be in Housing - Infobae​

November 21, 2023

Who is Ricardo Inti Alpert, the architect who will be in charge of Housing in the government of Javier Milei

He is an architect specialized in habitat and urban development, stands out for his innovative proposals in financing and runs a consulting firm. It remains to be confirmed whether his secretariat will be in Human Capital or Infrastructure


Ricardo Inti Alpert, the architect who will be in charge of Housing in the national Government that will take office on December 10

Ricardo Inti Alpert , a 54-year-old architect, was confirmed as the person in charge of directing the Housing Secretariat in the Government of Javier Milei.

With extensive experience in the public and private sectors, Alpert stands out as a social entrepreneur and expert in financing urban development and productive ventures. Currently, he is also general coordinator at Consultora Tecnolítico.

Confirmation of the secretariat's dependence is pending, and the main options are that it be part of the Ministry of Human Capital, led by Sandra Pettovello , an influential figure in the libertarian team, or the Ministry of Infrastructure, under the direction of Guillermo Ferraro.

Alpert is a benchmark in home construction. Aware of the importance of access to one's own home, he considers this issue as a pending issue in Argentina. His experience covers the construction of proposals in both traditional and industrialized building systems.

Milei aims to improve the situation of more than 10,000 neighborhoods with infrastructure deficiencies and repair more than 200,000 multifamily buildings.

During the campaign and previously, he was a source regularly consulted by Milei on issues related to habitat and housing.

What is proposed

Milei highlights that according to his plan, 2 out of every 3 Argentine children lack access to fundamental rights such as education, housing and water, attributing this situation to the policies of the last century. She emphasizes the importance of human capital as a driver of economic growth, highlighting the care and attention of children as the crucial starting point.


In Argentina there are 1.3 million homes that require a completely new home, while 2.6 million need expansion and improvements. Likewise, it is highlighted that 2 out of every 3 households reside in homes with different types of deficit.

“Our intention is to create a sustainable mortgage credit plan for the construction of homes, thus generating genuine employment. The first step is to reform the current situation, where the Central Bank accumulates large daily figures, destined for the payment of interest. This would be achieved by redirecting that money towards the construction of our cities, thus improving our living conditions. The idea is that, by producing goods and services instead of simply generating money, we can live better and that the credits offer adequate remuneration,” Ricardo Inti Alpert told Infobae .

It is estimated that some 3,000,000 families could build their home. The future head of the secretariat linked to habitat suggests that in 4 years it could be possible for this amount to become the owner of a quality piece of Argentina.

Alpert noted: “When we talk about quality, we mean that those who lack services should have access to them. We also seek to regularize the papers of their home for those who have not yet done so, and those who do not own anything should have the opportunity to buy or build something. The objective is for them to generate a small investment project for their home and have the possibility of paying it in installments.”

Milei aims to improve the situation of more than 10,000 neighborhoods with infrastructure deficiencies and repair more than 200,000 multifamily buildings.

To achieve these goals, it proposes cost trusts based on the idea that housing is financed and paid for through the same process. This approach seeks to avoid tax costs and instead generate wealth. I would propose the massive development of private works financed by the private sector through credits.

This model, coordinated by Banco Hipotecario, will facilitate its implementation. Milei proposes inviting formal workers to qualify for the credits, with approval based on 25% of their salary flow over a period of 10 years.

Rentals, a challenge

On the housing storm front, the problem of rent arises. According to information from Infobae , Milei contemplates the repeal of the current law, returning to two-year contracts with free and agreed adjustments between the parties, as it was before the current regulations, through the Civil and Commercial Code.


Ricardo Inti Alpert maintain that in CABA 300,000 homes need to be built to be used for rent (Photo Courtesy: Hábitat Argentina)

According to Alpert, 300,000 homes need to be built in the city of Buenos Aires and more than 200,000 in different cities across the country to address this deficit. He proposes asking the national Congress to establish a logical rental law, relying on the Code and reforming some clauses. In addition, he advocates establishing quick eviction for non-payment, helping with real estate guarantees and avoiding dishonest practices such as the owner adding extra money to the contract once signed, with the aim of preventing fraud and bad practices.

CABA must undertake the construction of housing, taking advantage of both the airspace and disused beaches, among other available options. At the national level, Argentina must address in its agenda the need to provide services in informal neighborhoods, thus promoting construction to drive an economy of scale.

It is crucial to promote production, development and actions that benefit the working class for expansion.

“The ideal would be for the State to stop getting into debt and wasting money, avoiding more inflation. A clear strategy is required: promote a large shock of private works to boost the economy, restore the demand for money and eliminate the fiscal deficit. By launching 3,000,000 private works in Argentina, the fiscal deficit is eradicated and jobs are created automatically,” Alpert concluded.

