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Real Estate News San Telmo: Was among the least profitable and now surprises - La Nación Propiedades


San Telmo: Was among the least profitable and now surprises - La Nación Propiedades



November 10, 2023

The Buenos Aires neighborhood that was among the least profitable and surprises with the value of its properties​

In a few months, San Telmo went from being an unprofitable option for investors to being one of the neighborhoods with the highest returns; the reasons for this change.


San Telmo became the new protagonist of the real estate game, offering opportunities that few expected.

In the heart of Buenos Aires, the San Telmo neighborhood surprised locals and strangers with a notable change in the profitability of its apartments. From going unnoticed as a less profitable option, this historic corner became the new protagonist of the real estate game, offering opportunities that few expected.


San Telmo has key elements to attract tourists such as small cobblestone streets, colonial mansions, historic residences, antique and design businesses, lots of art and gastronomy.

Until a few months ago, studio apartments in San Telmo barely reached a modest 3.63% profitability , according to a report by Reporte Inmobiliario. However, in a notable turnaround , today the same category of properties has seen a significant increase, reaching a profitability of 4.08%. The 1-bedroom apartments, for their part, stand out even more with a higher profitability of 5.49%.

This drastic change has catapulted San Telmo to the top of the most profitable neighborhoods for property investment . The cobbled streets and historic houses of Buenos Aires are now considered an unrivaled asset, offering investors the opportunity to obtain high returns. With an average value of US$79,000 for 1-bedroom apartments and a monthly rent of $320,000 , the profitability achieved in this neighborhood exceeds all other available options.


The profitability achieved in San Telmo exceeds all other available options.


The San Telmo Market, located in a historic neighborhood, originated as a community food market in response to the population increase caused by various waves of immigrants.

What could have triggered this pronounced change? One hypothesis points to the growing tourist attraction of the area , generating a significant increase in temporary rentals , whose values are handled in dollars and reach considerably high figures. This phenomenon, in turn, puts upward pressure on the value of traditional and long-term rentals in the San Telmo neighborhood.

Sustained demand for short-term rentals, driven by the neighborhood's historical and cultural beauty, creates an environment conducive to landlords raising their prices. The limited availability of long-term rental options has provided property owners with the ability to set their own terms, taking advantage of the opportunity to maximize returns on their investments.


The sustained demand for temporary rentals is driven by the historical and cultural beauty of the neighborhood.

In the latest Real Estate Report report, other neighborhoods that appear as the most profitable include Villa Crespo , where a studio apartment in this neighborhood near the coveted Palermo leaves a profitability of 5.33% , buying a property for US$75,000 and a rent of $295,000 per month. Parque Chacabuco follows with a profitability of 4.97%, where a two-room apartment costs an average of US$75,000, while the monthly rent costs $275,000. Another neighborhood with high profitability is Balvanera , where a studio apartment costs US$51,500 and a monthly rent is $180,000, which leaves a profitability of 4.74%. In Almagro, a two-bedroom costs US$74,500 and has a rent of $250,000 per month, which leaves a profitability of 4.55%.

Rental profitability falls​


The gross annual profitability of used apartments with one to 3-bedrooms stood at 3.48% in October.

However, although some neighborhoods may represent an investment opportunity for those who want to bet on brick as a haven of value, the reality is that the economic volatility of recent months left a marked mark on the real estate market , surpassing the increase in rents and the decrease in property sales values . This phenomenon led to a notable decrease in the gross profitability of residential locations.

To illustrate this impact, Reporte Inmobiliario compared the average values of the few 532 units available for formal three-year rentals in pesos with the units for sale in each neighborhood of the city. The results reveal a significant decrease in the annual gross profitability of used studio - to 3-bedroom apartments , which stood at 3.48% in October. This value represents a substantial decrease compared to the 4% registered until July.

In the breakdown of the average profitability at the beginning of a rental contract , 1-bedroom apartments stand out as the most profitable , offering 4.1% . They are followed by studio apartments with 3.57% and 2-bedroom apartments with 3.51%. On the contrary, the largest 3-bedroom units have the lowest profitability, reaching a modest 2.75%.

So, faced with the numbers that show a drop in profitability in terms of rentals, the San Telmo neighborhood is surprising for its unexpected turn : from being one of the least profitable a few months ago for investors to being one of the most convenient.
