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Politics Senate: Kirchnerism will request a special session every week to reject Milei's mega DNU - Infobae


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Senate: Kirchnerism will request a special session every week to reject Milei's mega DNU - Infobae


February 01, 2024

“She is failing to fulfill her duties as a public official,” warned Anabel Fernández Sagasti. Victoria Villarruel has the power to set the day and time. The ruling party came out to support it

By Mariano Casal

The interblock of the Frente de Todos of the Senate

Senatorial Kirchnerism stated this Thursday that it will ask the vice president and head of the Upper House, Victoria Villarruel , every week to call a special session to debate the mega Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) that deregulates the economy.

The decision of the bench led by José Mayans was announced in a press conference held in the office of the senator from Formosa along with almost the entire interbloc of 33 legislators. The absence of his colleagues Sergio Uñac (San Juan) and Juan Manzur (Tucumán) drew attention .

On Wednesday of last week, Kirchnerism requested a special session for today. Last night, Villarruel decided not to call. “ This does not mean that she will not do it in the future ,” they stated from the vice president's entourage to Infobae.

“The vice president must be a guarantee of impartiality in this House. If five senators present a note, which is what the regulations state, they must call a session and open the chamber,” Mayans said this Thursday. The man from Formosa even went further and said that “in dictatorships, the first thing that is done is to close Parliament.”

Meanwhile, the second of the interblock and representative of La Cámpora, Anabel Fernández Sagasti (Mendoza), warned: “ We are going to insist every week to deal with this DNU. “The vice president is failing to fulfill the duties of a public official .”

The vice president and head of the Senate, Victoria Villarruel (EFE)

Beyond the critical vision of Kirchnerism, the head of the Senate has the power to set the day and time with the endorsement of the regulations of the Upper House, according to article 20.

The article in question establishes that " the president, after receiving the request, will arrange the respective summons for the day and time that he deems best, if they have not been indicated by the Body, depending on the matter or circumstances of the case ."

According to Mayans, the DNU “repeals 79 laws and affects 300 in total.” And he added: “We want to go to the venue to discuss chapter by chapter for society.”

The head of the interbloc also said: “We have a constructive vision and we do not want to oppose for the sake of opposition, but this DNU is at odds with the national Constitution.”

The Casa Rosada sent the mega DNU that deregulates the economy last month. Then the 10-day period expired for it to be dealt with by the bicameral Legislative Procedure commission, which never met.

The president of Deputies, Martín Menem

The problem that occurred in that sense was that the Upper House did its homework and appointed its members. However, Deputies did not follow that path, since Kirchnerism suggested a number of members that the head of the Lower House, Martín Menem, rejects . This situation was taken advantage of by Congress to leave the issue in the hands of justice until the last days, when the Frente de Todos requested a special session in the Senate.

On the side of the ruling party and even the non-Kirchnerist opposition, the main reason for delaying a decision about going to the venue is to wait for the future of the omnibus law that defines Deputies at this time. This issue generates tension in the Senate and may be a determining factor in the legislative task in the short term.

On the other hand, the non-Kirchnerist opposition rejects for now the idea of remaining attached to the Frente de Todos, although it also does not want to be responsible for crashing a session due to lack of quorum in the venue . Hence Villarruel's move and the political cost that he paid with the recent Frente de Todos press conference.

The Frente de Todos bench has 33 legislators. That is, it is necessary to add four wills to achieve a quorum and open the venue in response to a request for a special session. The problem with the non-Kirchnerist opposition is that it has some senators who reject the DNU. For this to happen, a vote against both Houses of Congress is needed, something that has never happened since this system was in effect .

Defense of Villarruel and claim to Menem​

After the Kirchnerism conference, the La Libertad Avanza bloc in the upper house issued a statement in which it supported “the work of dialogue and search for consensus carried out by the president of the body, which has strictly adhered to what was established by the "National Constitution, the laws and the internal regulations of the Senate ."

The statement from the La Libertad bloc advances in the Senate
The bench chaired by Ezequiel Atauche (Jujuy) also stated: “In order to be able to advance in the consideration of the Decrees of Necessity and Urgency pending treatment by the National Congress, we request the Chamber of Deputies to designate the members as soon as possible. members to integrate the Permanent Bicameral Commission for Legislative Processing .”

Finally, the libertarians made it clear that "there is an urgent need to give treatment in said commission to the more than 100 Decrees of Necessity and Urgency in force that have not yet received any treatment by the National Congress," in reference to those of the Kirchnerist management that Christianity never put up for discussion in the Senate .

According to the ruling bloc, “once the Bicameral Commission exhausts the pending treatment of said decrees, it will be necessary to move on to analyze those dictated by the current administration.”