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Senate passes new pension formula in defiance of Milei

Doesn't sound like they will balance the budget any time soon with some of these increases.

He doesn't have any power at all in the Congress. It got voted 61-8. Milei only has 7 so it was just his 7 and 1 more. 🤡

His party has less than 15% of congress seats and only 7 out of 72 Senator seats. Even if he veto, Congress can override his veto with 2/3 of votes.
He doesn't have any power at all in the Congress. It got voted 61-8. Milei only has 7 so it was just his 7 and 1 more. 🤡

His party has less than 15% of congress seats and only 7 out of 72 Senator seats. Even if he veto, Congress can override his veto with 2/3 of votes.
Very true. Probably Argentina defaults next year.
By vetoing the law, Milei only earns the anger of the elderly. The halt of the planned increase in pensions and debt payments to ANSES causes significant discontent among retirees, who feel they always bear the brunt of economic adjustments. While I understand that adjustments are inevitable and I support much of Milei's economic plan, I think he's making a mistake here. In the end, it seems like Milei only cares about numbers and statistics, without considering the human impact of his decisions.
By vetoing the law, Milei only earns the anger of the elderly. The halt of the planned increase in pensions and debt payments to ANSES causes significant discontent among retirees, who feel they always bear the brunt of economic adjustments. While I understand that adjustments are inevitable and I support much of Milei's economic plan, I think he's making a mistake here. In the end, it seems like Milei only cares about numbers and statistics, without considering the human impact of his decisions.
Well it's a no win situation it seems like for him. Trying to really watch the spending by the government. But at the same time, trying to increase military spending in Argentina which is a waste of money and shouldn't be a priority at least to me.

He was really smart not to go on another international trip. This isn't going to go over well. But the government can't spend money that it doesn't have. That is exactly why they are in the mess they are in. Spending too much money they don't have.