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Politics Sergio Massa met with the CGT: analysis and differences with the general strike against Javier Milei's policies - Infobae


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Sergio Massa met with the CGT: analysis and differences with the general strike against Javier Milei's policies - Infobae


January 05, 2024

This Thursday, eight Cegetista leaders shared a barbecue with the former presidential candidate to analyze the political and economic situation of the country. The union members asked him to join a “discussion table.” What was the former minister's response?

By Ricardo Carpena

Sergio Massa with Héctor Daer, Pablo Moyano and Carlos Acuña, from the CGT

It was a reserved meeting in the midst of Javier Milei's difficulties to advance with his reforms: the CGT and Sergio Massa held an extensive meeting this afternoon to analyze the political and economic situation of the country, but, Beyond agreeing on a critical diagnosis of the Government, the former candidate pointed out his differences due to the “rush” in declaring a general strike in such a short time that the President took office. Although he recognized “the pressure of the people” against the adjustment, the former Minister of Economy told them: “ If you go on general strike after 45 days, what do you do after 90 days? A bombing?” The comment sparked laughter, but some leaders did not like it.

In any case, Massa accepted the proposal to join a “debate table” that wants to form the workers' confederation for that you will present as an alternative to those promoted by La Libertad Avanza.debate proposals for platform that the Government proposes. Governors and legislators from Unión por la Patria will also be invited to this structure, as well as businessmen, because the CGT imagines that it will be a “show that there is a different path to the adjustment and devaluation”.
“We invited Sergio because he was the candidate for President who represents 11.5 million Argentines who voted for him and believe that there is another way,” he told Infobae < /span>not from the political leadership.”I am here to help and provide ideas and all the work information that is needed, but “I no longer have pretensions. the CGT “debate table”, but he clarified: agreed to join one of the union members who participated in the meeting. In any case, he revealed that Massa.

Sergio Massa at the CGT, with Agustín Rossi, Héctor Daer, Andrés Rodríguez and Carlos Acuña

The meeting, requested by the CGT and held in a place that no one wants to confirm, consisted of a barbecue, although the former Minister of Economy did not eat anything and only drank water due to a health problem. Over the course of four hours, Massa made self-criticism: he said that in the run-off campaign he lacked “vehemence” to present to society what was coming in terms of fuels, rates and prepaid payments, for example, and stated that “the main victim” of this section of the Government will be < a i=5>the middle class, which in March will feel a drop in income compared to March 2023.

The union members were the co-owners of the CGT Héctor Daer (Health) and Pablo Moyano , Pablo Flores (glass) and Cristian Jerónimo (Dredging and Beaconing) , Juan Carlos Schmid (Insurance), Jorge Sola (Health Works), José Luis Lingeri (UCPN), Andrés Rodríguez(Truckers);

The former Minister of Economy told the union leaders that the sum of the adjustment applied by the Milei government and the technological revolution will produce “strong damage” a> puts SMEs in crisis.” on the labor basis. And he warned that “the indiscriminate opening of the economy

Sergio Massa, with members of the Encuentro Foundation, which will relaunch in February

He also considered that it is a “mistake” of Milei to resign from the group BRICS (made up of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) because it represents 70% of the world's population and 60% of the world's GDP and said that without Brazil or China as allies “there are sectors in Argentina that are going to suffer.”

For Massa, the increase in the PAIS Tax announced by the Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo, is “weak” because it requires a law, just like withholdings, and pointed out that the opening of the Argentine Sea to indiscriminate fishing represents “more than 1 point drop in GDP.”

On the other hand, the leader of the Frente Renovador gave them details of his life after the presidential campaign. He commented that he is finishing closing employment contracts with two foreign companies and a foreign university and that these commitments will probably force him to be between 5 and 6 days per month outside the country. He assured that “what makes him most happy” about the current moment is “the international and economic recognition that opened the world of international finance to him.”

Sergio Massa and the senior staff of the CGT, at the event before Congress for the elimination of the Income Tax

Beyond the jobs he will have abroad, Massa emphasized that he plans to continue living with his family in Tigre and doing politics, but, he clarified, only in “help mode.”

In addition, he confirmed to the CGT delegation that he is in full writing the book about his last 4 years of political activity that is to be released: he is recording his reflections for about 2 hours a day with the writer Juan José Becerra, who was hired by Editorial Planeta as ghostwriter.

The former presidential candidate announced to union members that on February 10 he will relaunch the Encuentro Foundation, dedicated to environmental, labor, and impact issues of new technologies in production processes and legislation to promote investment for production.