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Politics Six months after the insurance scandal, Alberto Fernández filed a letter and sought to distance himself from the broker Martínez Sosa - Infobae

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Six months after the insurance scandal, Alberto Fernández filed a letter and sought to distance himself from the broker Martínez Sosa - Infobae


August 29, 2024
The former President maintained that there were no crimes behind the decree that gave the monopoly to Nación Seguros and denied having business ties with the husband of his former private secretary María Cantero. “I never interceded for him,” he said.

File photo of former President Alberto Fernández (2019-2023). EFE/ Sofia Torres

Former President Alberto Fernández has submitted a brief to federal judge Julián Ercolini in the last few hours to defend himself against the accusations against him in the insurance case. This is the first submission, after the recusal of the magistrate, six months after the start of the investigation. Through a brief, written in the first person, Fernández seeks to disassociate himself once again from the broker Héctor Martínez Sosa , in partnership with secretary María Cantero, and points to the media and the Justice for the progress of the case.

Until now, Fernández had only tried to remove Judge Ercolini for “manifest enmity.” But that attempt has so far failed. In June, the Federal Chamber, with the vote of Judge Roberto Boico, rejected the recusal.

Surprisingly, in the midst of the scandal over Fabiola Yañez's accusation of violence, the former president presented a 48-page document written by himself although it bears the signature of his lawyer in that case, Mariana Barbitta. The presentation landed on Tuesday in the Comodoro Py courts but only became public on Thursday.

Fernández defended decree 823/21, which gave the monopoly to Nación Seguros, along the same lines that he had already expressed publicly. “It was a decision that sought to ensure that the money that the National State pays to insure its risks remains in the hands of the State itself,” he wrote, according to the newspaper La Nación . He added: “It had an express purpose based on economic policy reasons that was none other than to keep the State's resources within the public coffers and avoid withdrawals of foreign currency through reinsurance abroad.”

The decree appears mentioned in dozens of chats that were incorporated into the case.

On the phone of Alberto Pagliano, former head of Nación Seguros, a long conversation was found with Roberto Gilbert , an accountant who was in charge of the National Contracting Office (ONC). Despite his position, he intervened for months in the efforts to try to promote a draft of the decree.

That draft had an article, number 3, which specifically spoke about the figure of the “insurance advisor producer”. But it was deleted by the Legal and Technical Secretariat, headed by Vilma Ibarra.


Alberto Fernandez and Alberto Pagliano, former head of Nation Insurance

The former President also stressed that commissions had been limited by 10 percent , by a decision of the board of directors of Nación Seguros, as revealed by this media.

Regarding the broker Martínez Sosa, María Cantero's husband who entered the Olivos estate and even met with the President in secret, she said that she never had a business relationship. “I never interceded on his behalf in the hiring of a State insurance policy. He never asked me to do so. I have no business ties with Héctor Martínez Sosa,” she said.

The insurance investigation continues to advance. Infobae revealed on Sunday that PSA and Federal Police experts are working against the clock to finish processing thousands of messages found on some 20 phones that were opened . They belong to former officials and brokers involved in the scandal. In the file so far there are only conversations found on the phones of two people: the secretary María Cantero, who had Fabiola Yañez's messages, and the former head of Nación Seguros, Alberto Pagliano . There are more than 1,000 pages that continue to throw up surprises.

The last phone seized was that of Daniel Rodríguez , the former mayor of Quinta de Olivos who testified as a witness on Monday in the case of violence against Fabiola Yañez. His relationship with Alberto Fernández remains intact . “El Gordo”, as his friends know him, also has a close relationship with Martínez Sosa, whom he received at the official residence. His police ties (he was a PFA firefighter) would have allowed him to anticipate some of the raids.