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Economy Small-face bills

I don't think the banks ever refused the old $100 bills. Cuevas or exchange houses another matter but I have a US dollar account and have deposited older bills in it. I doubt they can regulate private exchange places. They probably will not take them and not sure the government can force them to.
I think push come to shove if you have a USD account there they will take them but if it was marked on they sometimes would refuse it. I think this article is referring to the amnesty and locals declaring cash. I have many local friends that had older bills but every time they go to the USA they swap them out. I had a friend that stockpiled older $100 bills but he would take an annual trip to Las Vegas and buy poker chips in the casino and then cash out that way for new bills.
I wish the exchange places were forced to take the older bills. I came down with a few thousands of dollars as I heard cash was king here. Some of the bills weren't the latest bills and exchange houses won't take them without a discount. Crazy to think about banks here not accepting cash. I will never complain about American banks again. Down here it's terrible and they only let you take out so little. Luckily credit cards work good here.