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Real Estate News Spacious homes, cultural heritage, panoramic views: how much does it cost to live near the historic center of San Isidro? - Infobae



Spacious homes, cultural heritage, panoramic views: how much does it cost to live near the historic center of San Isidro? - Infobae​



June 02, 2024

With more than three centuries intertwined in Argentine history, the town continues to attract great interest and is one of the most sought-after places in the north of Greater Buenos Aires in the buying and selling and rental market.

By José Luis Cieri

Aerial view of the Sanisidrense Historic Center with focus on the San Isidro Labrador Cathedral and the La Plata River (Photo Courtesy: Inmobiliaria Narváez)

The Historic Center of San Isidro, with its colonial architecture and cobblestone streets, is a living testimony of the past and a growing center of real estate interest. Located in one of the most prestigious areas of the north of Greater Buenos Aires (GBA), it offers a unique combination of tradition and modernity that attracts families and investors. The properties are valuable not only for their design and location, but also for the sense of history and community that permeates every corner.

Founded in the 18th century as a small village, San Isidro managed to preserve its picturesque character and cultural heritage, such as the Cathedral and Quinta Los Ombúes. Its location on the crest of the ravine offers panoramic views of the Río de la Plata that enhance its appeal. It revolves around Plaza Miter, surrounded by cobblestone streets and large tipas.

The well-preserved colonial houses are mainly located on Ituzaingó, Anchorena and Beccar Varela streets, which lead to the Paseo de los Tres Ombúes and the Dr. Horacio Béccar Varela Museum. Avenida del Libertador stands out for the Seminary, while 9 de Julio Street houses the old Library building and the renovated Municipality of San Isidro.

Map of the area of the historic center of San Isidro that has Miter Square as its axis. The colonial houses are mainly found on Ituzaingó, Anchorena and Beccar Varela streets. Libertador Avenue stands out for the Seminary

The urban layout of the Historic Center is of the spontaneous type, due to its “chaplaintic” origin , from a chapel and a chaplaincy founded by Domingo de Acassuso in 1706, more than three centuries ago. “Acassuso prohibited the sale of land intended for the support of the chaplaincy, which prevented the formation of a regular town with a uniform layout until the beginning of the 19th century. This explains the morphological irregularity of the old part of San Isidro and the recommendations of Colonel Pedro Andrés García in 1812 to rectify the plan, seeking a more orderly structure," commented architect Marcela Fugardo , from the Coordination of Historical Heritage of the Municipality of San Isidro, to Infobae.

Old postcard of Ituzaingó Street, almost Avenida del Libertador (Photo Courtesy: Coordination of Historical Heritage of the Municipality of San Isidro)

Significant events marked the history of San Isidro, such as the founding of the chapel by Domingo de Acassuso, the English Invasions and the reception of the relic of San Isidro Labrador from Spain in the 20th century. The city was crucial in the reconquest of Buenos Aires during the first English invasion in 1806, a key event before Argentine independence.

“This triumph marked a milestone in Argentine history, and San Isidro was a witness and scene of these strategic plans and movements that led to the recovery of Buenos Aires” (Fugardo)

Militias met there to plan the recovery of the city. Among the heroes of this feat was Juan Martín de Pueyrredón and his gauchos, who, from the Chacra de Los Márquez, prepared to face the invaders.

Calle 25 de Mayo and Ituzaingó, in front of the municipality. The cobblestone remains (Photo Courtesy: Coordination of Historical Heritage of the Municipality of San Isidro)


The Historic Center of San Isidro evolved, reflecting various layers in its architecture. From the Mariquita Sánchez farm, which today houses the Museum, Library and Municipal Historical Archive, to the Casa de Alfaro with its neoclassical style without an ochava.

The Popular Library on the corner of 9 de Julio and 500

Italian influences are found in the Quinta “Los Naranjos” and French influences in the Club 300, as well as examples of the picturesque and neocolonial chalet in buildings such as the Las Brisas chalet and the Colegio San Juan el Precursor. There are also examples of Neo-Gothic in the Cathedral and avant-garde expressions such as Casablanco and Brutalism.

The building of the old Municipality of San Isidro, now headquarters of the Honorable Deliberative Council, is located on 25 de Mayo Street, in the civic center. Inaugurated in 1875, its project is attributed to the engineer Pedro Benoit

The Historic Center is protected locally as APP/1 (Heritage Preservation Area) and nationally, with the polygon that includes the Cathedral, Plaza Miter and Paseo de los Tres Ombúes declared a National Historic Site in 1964.

According to Fugardo, these efforts are critical to maintaining the authenticity and character of the area. “For the local community, the Historic Center is more than a preserved area; It is the symbol of the origin of San Isidro and the nucleus of urban and community life. The Plaza Matriz, the Church, and the Municipal House, today the headquarters of the Honorable Deliberative Council, are some of the emblematic buildings that anchor the identity of the place.”

Plaza Miter, an emblematic axis of the historic center of San Isidro

Real estate reality​

The attraction of living in the Historic Center of San Isidro lies in its rich history and architecture. Proximity to a wide range of services, including restaurants, cafes and shops.

Acassuso at 500 (Photo Courtesy: Imhoff Propiedades)

Laura Porto , director of Inmobiliaria Narváez, pointed out that “the area also has sports clubs and a wide educational offer, attracting professionals and families with young children. The most popular streets, such as Avenida Libertador and the surroundings of the Cathedral, stand out for their natural environment and green areas. The expansion of the area towards adjacent streets, such as Bajo de San Isidro and the Parque Aguirre neighborhood, reflects an interest in remaining close to the commercial, government and general services center.”

Kitchen with island of spacious homes that are currently for sale there

Alem and Roque Sáenz Peña are two other streets that concentrate the attention of the demand to buy and rent homes and some towers with great views of green spaces such as the CASI club.

“The continuation of the center westward from Avenida Centenario includes the La Calabria neighborhood, which has experienced extensive development with chalets replaced by low-rise buildings of up to four stories in the last decade. On the northern limit, developments of houses and semi-detached houses are also observed, reflecting the interest in remaining close to the commercial and service center of San Isidro,” highlighted Alan Flexer , commercial manager of Inmobiliaria Narvaez.

The most sought-after properties are worth up to $5,500,000
In the historic part of San Isidro, there are two clearly differentiated areas.

According to Ignacio Imhoff , of Imhoff Properties, the area between 25 de Mayo Street and the train tracks mainly houses buildings, some in towers and others with heights of 2 to 3 floors. “The residential area from Avenida del Libertador towards the ravine is characterized by very nice houses.”

There are homes of different styles for sale

Prices in these areas vary, with 2-room apartments less than 10 years old hovering around USD 120,000 (they can scale in 4 rooms up to USD 1,800,000, while houses start at USD 450,000 and go up to 5,500,000). of dollars.

The demand for apartments in San Isidro is driven mainly by young people who seek to be close to their jobs, friends and clubs, as well as by older people who value proximity to the shopping center to carry out their daily activities on foot.

“The most requested streets to build low buildings are between 25 de Mayo and the roads, and between Ituzaingó and Primera Junta. In the residential area, demand for homes is high, although options for sale are limited,” Imhoff said.

Two-room apartments start at $550,000 for rent

The first five blocks of Centenario Avenue towards Rolón register a notable growth in businesses and the number of residents, with the construction of several 3-story buildings.

As for rents, prices in the area are around $550,000 for 2-room apartments, $630,000 for 3-room apartments and $720,000 per month for 4-room apartments. Houses generally with more than 3 rooms are rented from $1,100,000 and up.

“Post DNU that repealed the Rental Law, the offer rose more than 100% since the beginning of the year,” concluded Imhoff.
