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Real Estate News Stable CABA offer values - Reporte Inmobiliario



Stable CABA offer values - Reporte Inmobiliario



May 20, 2024


12 of the neighborhoods analyzed showed decreases in the last quarter, while 24 showed stability or increases in value. Quarterly data for 36 neighborhoods since 2005 in dollar bills.
The values in dollars at which used 2 and 3 room apartments are published showed an improvement of 0.3% on average during the last quarter in the City of Buenos Aires after the last quarter had seen a slight decrease of 0.8 %.

However, compared to May of last year, the average price per m2 increased by 2.6% year-on-year.

The average square meter value of used apartments of standard quality without amenities based on the survey that Reporte Inmobiliario has carried out quarterly since 2005 was located in May of this year at 1,547 U$S/m2.

In nominal terms, without impacting m2 prices due to dollar inflation, the values are similar to those at the beginning of 2011.


In this case the survey refers to offer values, when we observe the closing values we are seeing an improvement month after month, so as we have been saying for a few months now we will have to follow both trends carefully.


