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Politics State downsizing: more than 100 layoffs announced in Human Capital - Infobae

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State downsizing: more than 100 layoffs announced in Human Capital - Infobae​



September 27, 2024

Towards the end of the week, emails began to arrive to several people who have contracts that expire on September 30.
Eduardo Menegazzi

By Eduardo Menegazzi

ATE people mobilize in Plaza de Mayo

At the Ministry of Human Capital, more than 100 workers received an email notification on Friday that their contracts that expire on Monday, September 30, will not be renewed . This is the first cutback made by the Government in its attempt to continue reducing the number of state personnel. State unions claim that, to a lesser extent, reductions in temporary staff will also occur in other sectors of the centralized administration, such as the Superintendency of Health Services.

Infobae had reported yesterday that the Government was evaluating this possibility. Just as it did in December, a few days after taking office, when it determined the termination of all those hired in the last year of Alberto Fernández's administration, in March and June after quarterly renewals, numerous employees were also terminated. In Human Capital, several areas belonging to the Culture Secretariat, which will soon be transferred to the General Secretariat of the Presidency in charge of Karina Milei, will be restructured or directly eliminated.

The Ministry of Human Resources did not provide any information when asked by this media outlet.

Presidential spokesman Manuel Adorni acknowledged at a press conference this week that “the behavior, functions and need for that resource (in reference to contracts) continue to be evaluated quarterly, and - on September 30 - all of us who manage an area have the responsibility to continue evaluating personnel, especially in places where there were structural changes, as may be my case” and that “after the month is over, the number of contracts not renewed will be known.”

Leaders of the State Workers Association (ATE) fear that the job cuts will also be significant in the Health and Justice portfolios , where, for example, the closure of several offices of the Access to Justice Centers has already been announced. For this reason, and because of the salary increase proposed by the Executive - 2% in September and 1% in October - they declared a state of alert and mobilization. In one of their first actions, on Thursday of this week they held a strike in all state agencies starting at 11 a.m. and a soup kitchen in the Plaza de Mayo.

The Minister of Human Capital, Sandra Pettovello, speaks from the Casa Rosada (NA Photo)

Since taking office, Milei has set herself the goal of improving the accounts and reducing the state workforce. At the beginning of June, when she closed the Latam Economic Forum event , she had confirmed that she would move forward with the “chainsaw plan” and that the Government was going to lay off another 50 thousand public employees soon, beyond those that had been set aside at the end of 2023 and on March 31 of this year. That threat was ultimately not carried out more abruptly because some ministries sent information to the Casa Rosada that they cannot continue reducing the number of personnel since that affects their normal functioning.

With the successive cuts that included the elimination of ministries, the INADI (National Institute against Discrimination created in 1995 by Carlos Menem) and the INAI (National Institute of Indigenous Affairs), the near disappearance of the National Institute of Cinema and Visual Arts (INCAA), the number of people laid off already exceeds 30,000 during the libertarian administration. In many public companies, voluntary retirement programs were also implemented, which had varying degrees of acceptance.

Another method chosen to reduce state costs was the privatization of several companies that were considered to be in deficit or that should be transferred to private hands. Although the privatization process has not yet produced any concrete results, in recent weeks the offensive to sell Aerolíneas Argentinas, which had been excluded from the approval of the Ley Bases, has intensified in the midst of the wage dispute between the Government and the unions in the aeronautical sector.