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Strange times we live in -Illegal Immigrants are blocking streets in NYC

Indeed @Vince you are correct. Strange what is going on this past year with the Biden administration allowing so many migrants into the United States. I've never seen anything like it. 2 months ago I was eating lunch in Tijuana and was shocked at the busloads of people they were transporting over to the USA. There had to be hundreds and hundreds just that day.

Then I flew on an around the world trip last month and I flew from San Diego to Chicago and it was a red eye flight on United Airlines. I was shocked as they were transporting tons of these immigrants on the flight. The people didn't even seem like they had tickets. They had a piece of paper and many of the migrants barely had clothes and some kids no shoes. It was the worst flight of my life. Many people looked like (and smelled too) like they haven't showered for a long time. They were transporting them all to Chicago.

I've never seen anything like what is going on right now. Strange times indeed!
My friends all tell me the same thing as what you are saying @earlyretirement. My sister told me there was a turf war dispute between the illegal migrants in Home Depot parking lots. You have the illegal Mexicans that are charging $20 US/hour and there are some people from Venezuela that only want to charge $10 bucks an hour and they are getting in fist fights.

I tell them I'm just fine here in Argentina. We have a lot of Venezuelans here but they are all hardworking people. They come here to Argentina and hit the ground running. Most work hard and like working.
My friends all tell me the same thing as what you are saying @earlyretirement. My sister told me there was a turf war dispute between the illegal migrants in Home Depot parking lots. You have the illegal Mexicans that are charging $20 US/hour and there are some people from Venezuela that only want to charge $10 bucks an hour and they are getting in fist fights.

I tell them I'm just fine here in Argentina. We have a lot of Venezuelans here but they are all hardworking people. They come here to Argentina and hit the ground running. Most work hard and like working.
Yes Venezuelan people are very good workers. Argentines don't mind them here because they work very hard.
And in some neighborhoods, you have Venezuelan prostitutes all over. Sad to see NYC go backward.

I am sad to see this deterioration in NYC. My aunt lives there and said the mood and vibe of the city has changed once it became a sanctuary city. It sounds like the Mayor is having a change of heart and trying to get the migrants out of the city now. But it sounds like it is too late to put the genie back in the bottle.
I am sad to see this deterioration in NYC. My aunt lives there and said the mood and vibe of the city has changed once it became a sanctuary city. It sounds like the Mayor is having a change of heart and trying to get the migrants out of the city now. But it sounds like it is too late to put the genie back in the bottle.
Saw a woman getting arrested in the park for selling fruit yet the city will allow Venezuelan hookers there!
Unfortunately a lot of bad elements from illegal Venezuelans in NYC. This was heartbreaking.

This just makes me sick.

This is terrible Vince. Makes my blood boil with all these illegals they are allowing to enter the US. I just don't get it.